Termite Hell


New Member
Someone unleashed every flying termite on earth tonight. I went to Wendy's to eat at 8:30 this eve. When i came out, I got on my bike and rode about a block. Stopped at light and got hammered by millions of suicidal insects. The people in the car to my right were laughing their a.... off watching me try to swat these mean bastards away from my helmet. When the light finally changed, i took off as fast as i could. I am at least two miles from home and their covering my shield inside and out, in my jacket and down my shirt. I made it home in one piece thank god, turned bike off and pushed it up drive and in garage so the light wouldn't attract them in the house. I looked out of my front window and it looked like a storm outside with these little f....rs. No more night rides for a while.

in the name of Johnny Rico" Kill 'EM, Kill 'EM ALL!!!"
