Squid decided to ruin our ride last night...

We should keep the animosity, arguing etc to a minimum here but to do a complete restriction of posts to exclude any wording that may upset the parents of a 5 year old is freaking ridiculous. If your skin is THAT THIN, get OFF the internet now. I'm not kidding....you are going to see this everywhere except some ultra religious and monitored site.

I try really hard not to disparage people based on sexual preference, religion, ethnicity and political preference but some words are appropriate no matter how some feel. A Fag is a cigarette in Britain, New Zealand and other former British Colonies. A pair of Dykes are wire cutters and have nothing to do with LGBT issues.

The English language is rich in history and context and there are many words to describe things without having to resort to using words that are used contemporarily as derogatory terms. Having 2 Cousins and a Nephew that are gay, I understand the issue but please understand this important point. Our sexual preference is not normally an outward part of a straight person's public life as it is a private thing. A person that is gay that outwardly promotes their sexual preference overshadows their personality, intelligence and human qualities and that is really very PATHETIC. We are much more than a sexual preference.......
Look up the word faggot on Wikipedia and you see 19 variations with only 1 of the variations derogatory. With this logic we will all be grunting like cavemen because someone will attach sexual preference and derogatory meanings to every word in the English language.

Even the term "squid" can be taken as derogatory by an Asian person.... Does only perceived Gay references get noticed while racist terms are routinely ignored? It seems a like an agenda is being pursued when only one derogatory term is being branded as homophobic while a possible racist term is accepted and ignored.

I think faggot was over the top and uncalled for but where do we draw the line in the sand after that? Should we make a list of words that may offend you and put them into the filter?

Just putting this out there and in no way am I judging you....
To a military person (I'm Army) a squid is anyone in the Navy:) David
sorry to hear this happened. i would've been pissed too.

i hear about this sorta thing happening a lot, unfortunately... cops sometimes react too slow, and ppl get nailed for the driving/ riding behavior of someone else on the road simply due to mistaken identity... cops are ppl too, and they make mistakes. sometimes they write these kinda tickets just to save face after realizing they probably messed up..

i dunno if u can really make the squid pay for everyone's tickets. yes- he caused the problem. but, u guys did, after all, allow him to ride along with you when u very well could've pulled off the road or separated yourselves... and, even by ur own admission u were riding faster than the speed limit. it's really just a combination of bad luck...

try to fight the ticket by written declaration, if that's allowed in your state. or, go to court and fight it.
I'm an ex cop and we would never write a speeding ticket unless it was at least 15 over. We would stop someone for less just to check them out (probable cause) but if everything else checked out okay we sent them on their way without a ticket. I myself might have written on average 1 or 2 speeding tickets a YEAR. Don't believe in them unless you're being extremely reckless. As for cops making mistakes, yes they do. During the first year or so of my time on the street I wrote a ticket or two that I wasn't 100% certain about but when the person contested it in court I stood by the ticket and of course the judge ruled in my favor. One in particuliar bothered me and to this day still bothers me. It was almost 20 years ago and it was for running a stop sign. In court I knew I wasn't completely sure of what I saw and I actually believed the man who was very nice about it and stated he came to a complete stop. However a cop can't tell the judge "Hey, I was wrong. He's not guilty." Once you do that your credibility is shot for good. From that time on if I wasn't totally 100% sure beyond any shadow of a doubt of the person's guilt I didn't write the ticket and there were some I have to believe who were guilty but who drove away clean because there was doubt in my mind. Just my rambling 2 cents. David
^ i guess the bigger picture is that the cops are ultimately out there to police road safety for the benefit of everyone. and, sometimes mistakes happen. it just sucks when the actual perpetrator of the violation gets off scott free and some innocent motorist gets stuck with the ticket... <lol>

example: just a few weeks ago, one of my friends got a speeding ticket because an officer pulled him over after seeing a gray colored sports car zoom by. but, my friend's car is "white," and he said that he wasn't even speeding and that he saw that gray colored car ahead of him too, but kept his distance.

the cop issued him a citation anyways. but, i think my friend should be able to win the case in court.
...just a thought, but have you considered asking the cop or prosecution to drop the charges in exchange for your testimony against the squid? Sounds like he deserves whatever he gets.
^ i guess the bigger picture is that the cops are ultimately out there to police road safety for the benefit of everyone. and, sometimes mistakes happen. it just sucks when the actual perpetrator of the violation gets off scott free and some innocent motorist gets stuck with the ticket... <lol>

example: just a few weeks ago, one of my friends got a speeding ticket because an officer pulled him over after seeing a gray colored sports car zoom by. but, my friend's car is "white," and he said that he wasn't even speeding and that he saw that gray colored car ahead of him too, but kept his distance.

the cop issued him a citation anyways. but, i think my friend should be able to win the case in court.

I had a similar situation happen to me once. I was going to work one morning, pulled into the parking lot, got out of my truck, and a cop pulls up and blocks me from going anywhere. Next thing is she tells me she saw me run a red light. It was really early, I hadn't slept well, and I'm thinking "great, maybe I did just blow through a light and not even realize it". The bad part about it is she was one of those "rude" kind, who knows they have power and likes to use it, so the situation turned a little ugly when I said I had no idea what she was talking about. So she then tells me to go back to my car. So I walked to the truck and stood there, and she made me open the door and crank it just to prove it was mine. Then drove off without another word. Come to find out, it was actually one of my co-workers who had run the light, knew the cop was chasing him, and got inside before she saw him. I just happened to be walking by his car when the cop got into the lot. Go figure eh?
ok.. There is no point for me to say.. "I would have " or " you should of"..

and I wouldn't anyways - this last sentence isnt really intended for me anyways.

Sorry you had to go through that man.. Not only is that FUCKING outrageous - but that dumbass could of hurt you , someone else, or that chic on his bike.

You definitively have learned something here - Needless to say.. Noone got hurt- and this won't happen again ;)

Want to beat the ticket? Going to cost you more to fight it- even if you DID win.

Once again, I feel for you... I ride wheelies- but I don't do it in groups- as it is definitly UNSAFE... I used to- I was riding with people that all did them and were all riding like abunch of show ups.. I rode with stunt riders and we did that shit together- but needless to say.. YOU DONT put others at risk..

I haven't had to say anything to ANYONe- as the people I ride with mostly ride harleys... Im in a CLUB- and when one of us wants to ride fast.. it effects all of us.. and we all have to keep the same pace so we generaly Go the safe route... but if i was in a group.. id make it known if your going to be unsafe.. GO OUT INFRONT of the group- this way.. it doesnt make it look like your group is going fast.. like a idiot doing shit behind you can make the rest of the group look like they are speeding too.. Just a tip

U can tell you how to get out of a ticket. Find out the court date for it, and the week of, have the date switched due to "Work reasons" the officer usually has their court dates all set on a specific day of the week. They wont be able to attend and it usually gets dropped :) I read this somewhere :steve:

;) I know where you read this CC! You're welcome =P
