Sport-Touring project for the 2009 FZ6R

Looks great!

It also appears that you still have room on your pillion seat for accessories/bags. :)

You decided to go w/ SAE connectors over the BMW/Powerlet-type?


Where's the handlebars?!? That rear case is huge, but nice to have all that storage. Looks good.
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I meant the handle bar. Love that case, not pretty but for sure practical.

Oh, I was being sarcastic...All the stuff mounted on your bars....can't see the bars...But, it's practical for what you need and thats what matters. Hey, did you get the lights for the case hooked up as well? If so, how's that working?
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My god, that's a lot of stuff! I don't know how you can even find space to put the key in.
How is the touring?

Fantastic job, It looks pretty good. How does it handle with all the mods? How long have you ridden in one day? What are your general impressions on using FJ6R as a sport tourer?

Long term review?

Hi Heineken,

Could you give us an updated review of your sport touring set-up? Specifically, the Givi E55 top case and the double bubble windscreen. I just ordered a Givi E52 top case and am considering getting the double bubble. I am in the process of setting up my bike as an all-out sport tourer.

So how is the E55 in daily use? Do you ever think it is too large? Is it easy to detach and reattach? Any quirks? Overall impression?

How is the double bubble windscreen? Can you compare it to the stock windscreen? I'm hoping that the double bubble reduces the turbulence of the stocker. I don't mind having air hitting my shoulders or helmet, as long as it's fairly clear.

Are you still planning on mounting side cases?

Wow....coming along very well. These bikes are so cool.


where does the air freshener hang and the slurpie cup go?:justkidding:

Sorry...I could not resist.......I know the others have busted on you too.

But honostly thats all pretty cool..its all right there and would make long trips VERY enjoyable!!
where does the air freshener hang and the slurpie cup go?:justkidding:

You guys are going to laugh your minimalist asses off when you see my bike all kitted out. I'm going to have hard side cases, giant top box, gps, and probably a big ass duffle bag on the passenger seat. That's how I had my Harley Sportster, and that's how I'll tour with my FZ6R. I'll get a big, ugly touring seat once one is available.

I know most people think the FZ6R is a sport bike, but I think it's comfortable enough and versatile enough to be a true sport tourer.

I sometimes think it's odd that riders who tour seem to be a small percentage of motorcycle riders. Touring on a motorcycle is just so liberating and fun. That bike of yours is capable of so much more than just commuting and bombing back roads on weekends. I like a bike that does it all, and the FZ6R can be one of those bikes.

Sorry, not trying to rip on those who don't tour. But it's a genuine shame if you've never gone on a week long trip on your bike. And those who have toured realize that all those goofy looking accessories serve a useful purpose. I owned a Darien jacket and pants, for Pete's sake. Ugly clothing, but practical as hell.

Enjoy your bikes! I'll take mine with a small dose of ulgy/uncool!

P.S.: My next big trip will be three weeks in Atlantic Canada two-up this summer.
I think your project is turning out very well. It is good to see some forward thinking with these bikes as a sport tourer, commuter, racer, etc.

BTW, I think we just found Jimmy Hoffa and Jon Benet's killer both hiding in your rear storage compartment. You could put a Smart Car in that thing!!!
  • Decals & Appearance
    Rims stripes - Reflective Stripes: Color: White / Width: 9mm / 17" Wheel
    Payed $16 (Delivered)

Thanks for so much info. I'm looking into pink stripes for wheels, waiting to hear back from DustanGraffixx for a sample of the shade of pink though, b/c I want to be sure its more magenta than bubblegum.
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Does RSMC sounds familiar to you by any chance? And that B stands for Beth ? :)) If not I apologize. :D

Yep, that's ME!! I'm so bummed to be missing out on the ice-cream ride, btw. Want to take a test-ride up there tonight? My boots were delivered today :steve: and I'm ACHING to break 'em in.
