Someone I don't know dropped my bike!


New Member
So, the wife and I were putting on my new back tire. She noticed that there were some scratches on the bike that weren't there when we bought it. We've only had the bike for a week and I haven't dropped it yet *knock on wood*. I had seen them but thought that maybe I hadn't noticed them when I bought the bike. A little while later after thinking about it I didn't remember those scratches being on there either.

Upon a further inspection of the bike, there were scratches on my left side on my mirror, clutch lever, blinker, on the side of the engine and the frame sliders which previously had no damage.

So I know have a sticker on the back of the windshield that says "If I catch you on my bike, I will beat the F*%& out of you!"

How would you guys handle it if you found someone sitting on your bike and you had no clue who they were, and even worse, if they dropped it?

Brock Kickass

New Member
Not much you can do now, but very not cool. I don't like to leave my bike anywhere where people can screw with it. I try to park it somewhere where I can watch it when I have to be off it. I am lucky to be able to put it right inside the shop at work, and the guys I work with are good guys, respect other people's stuff. If I came out of somewhere and someone was touching my bike I would let them know to look with their eyes, and if I ever found out a person dropped it it would certainly be a police matter.


Monster Member
Elite Member


New Member
Yeah, I think it happened while I was at school. I'm going to start parking it next to campus police and just walking everywhere on campus. I'm sure it was some little punk trying to look like billy bada$$. But damn it irks me beyond belief to think about people out there that have no common deceny towards another persons stuff.


New Member
Ack. That totally sucks. :( Sounds like u got a few hundred dollars worth of damage, but the frame slider did its job and saves the fairing.

Maybe get a brake lock with sensor cable if you're gonna park it in public frequently.

6R Blackout

New Member
1st off Sorry about what happend that sucks bad!:eek:

Secondly I am not sure what I would do until I was put into that situation, but I would try to keep composure and address the matter calmly.

Well on second thought I would probably go ballistic and scare them off!:rant:


New Member
I'd like to put a screamer alarm on it to really scare someone off (or even better catch them). I'm also going to go talk to campus police and see if they had any camera's on the parking lot to try and find out who did it. If I can figure out who it was I'm definitely going to press charges against them for destruction of property.

6R Blackout

New Member
I'd like to put a screamer alarm on it to really scare someone off (or even better catch them). I'm also going to go talk to campus police and see if they had any camera's on the parking lot to try and find out who did it. If I can figure out who it was I'm definitely going to press charges against them for destruction of property.

Press charges as you should! Try and find out and please let us know


Camera, police, pressing charges is the better way to go. As much as any of us would like to do bodily harm to some one who trashes our bikes we end up on the wrong side of the law. It wasn't always that way, and it isn't that way every where, but that is the way it is. Keep your cool, even if you have to fake it.


New Member
Well, since you didn't see it happen then there's not much you can do about it but try and make sure it doesn't happen again...... but if you did catch someone, then:

[ame=]SOA_PatchOver - YouTube[/ame]

and then of course ride off with the asshat's girl like Jax did, haha.


New Member
Well, since you didn't see it happen then there's not much you can do about it but try and make sure it doesn't happen again...... but if you did catch someone, then:

SOA_PatchOver - YouTube

and then of course ride off with the asshat's girl like Jax did, haha.

That's almost what I planned to do if I catch someone on it.


New Member
If u do use a brake lock don't ever forget its installed. I saw this post on the R1 forum. (yes I've been lurking there. don't ask. lol.). x.X
Okay I forgot the disc lock, clicked into 1st gear and the bike moved forward then :scared...... bike fall to the right side and the tank hit the wall..

Question is: Do I need a new fuel tank? :cryin


New Member
I ride a motorcycle almost every day to work. Sometimes people are morons. The best way I found to keep the morons from touching my bike is to cover it. I use a half cover. Very effective by providing a boundary between the morons and my bike. Plus it keeps the sun from beating down on it and fading everything.


New Member
I ride a motorcycle almost every day to work. Sometimes people are morons. The best way I found to keep the morons from touching my bike is to cover it. I use a half cover. Very effective by providing a boundary between the morons and my bike. Plus it keeps the sun from beating down on it and fading everything.

It stays covered at night parked right outside my bedroom window. I don't cover it at school because I'm on the bike every 2 hours or so. When I park it at school i park it next to sidewalk where there are lots of people passing by. But that apparently doesn't stop some people from being a$$hats.:mad:


New Member
Redwing has the right idea. I cover my bike at work too. I also set my alarm and have the pager if someone messes with it. It make a nice noise if some kid messes with it but if they persist it will go off real good...that's my queue to find out whats going on.

Had a dude in a car get out and almost fell over the bike the other day. He got out of his car and just tripped. I think he was drunk. The alarm went off and he kicked my bike but only booted the rear tire and didn't do any damage. I was coming out of the market and saw the whole thing. Him parking, tripping and kicking my bike. He was big and angry so I walked past him and didn't say a word. I didn't think a conversation with him about how the F...he thinks he has the right to kick my bike was gonna go well.

I wonder how he drove home on 3 flat tires with holes in the sidewalls?


New Member
It stays covered at night parked right outside my bedroom window. I don't cover it at school because I'm on the bike every 2 hours or so. When I park it at school i park it next to sidewalk where there are lots of people passing by. But that apparently doesn't stop some people from being a$$hats.:mad:

Are you parking in a parking space or on the sidewalk. Parking on the sidewalk draws a lot of attention (usually negative) and for whatever reason the morons sometimes do stupid things. I have never thought that parking on a sidewalk or in areas with striped lines was a real good idea for that reason. Also, parking on a sidewalk can be dangerous if someone opens a door while you are moving along the sidewalk.


New Member
Are you parking in a parking space or on the sidewalk. Parking on the sidewalk draws a lot of attention (usually negative) and for whatever reason the morons sometimes do stupid things. I have never thought that parking on a sidewalk or in areas with striped lines was a real good idea for that reason. Also, parking on a sidewalk can be dangerous if someone opens a door while you are moving along the sidewalk.

I'm parking in a parking space, but one that's next to the sidewalk. The idea is that someone messing with the bike would be easily seen. But I'm not sure anyone would even try to stop them if they saw it.
