So I was sitting at a red light...


New Member
I look back and the gal behind me i her jetta is creeping up on me. I honk as she is busy putting on makeup. she bumps my back tire at super low speed and i start getting pushed slowly towards the car in front of me. She finally looked and was startled.

I got off my bike, took off my helmet and as calmly as i could walked up to her window which she cracked just a little. I told her she hit me. she said "sorry" i told her she could have crushed me between her car and the one in front. (not likely, i picture the scene in Austin Powers with the steam roller) she shrugged and said "sorry" and rolled her eyes.

I was pissed. I lost it and started yelling. I told her she needed to watch what the f*** she was doing before she killed someone, Stop putting on makeup in the car.

she stated emphatically ...................she is a single mother and she has to put on makeup in the car because she has to get her kids ready and she does NOT have the time.

I got even more pissed. The honks of the people were far off as the light had changed, did not hear them.

I told her she may be the dumbest woman ever. "get up earlier! if your makeup takes 15 minutes, get up 15 minutes earlier!"

she said, single mother, no time, blah blah going to do it in the car, f*** off!

I wanted to break her mirror off but i didn't. I told her next time she F***s up i hope her makeup brush stabs her eye out and that she shouldn't even put on makeup as it was like putting a band aide on a bullet wound.

she just did not get it. I went back. geared back up and waited for the light to change again. i noticed the front bumper had paint peeling and the front plate was all dented from a previous encounter. my tire left a small oblong line on her bumper.

oh i wanted to smash her mirror off.
where is a cop when you need them. unfortunately the only way this stupid ***** is going to get the picture is when she finally does kill someone, herself, or her kids who wont allow her to put her make up on. And come on, I mean her make up is way more important than your life. I mean seriously you are lucky she lets you even drive on her roads. Its amazing how much you can tell about a persons personality by the way they drive.
You should have said you need to make a police report because she hit your bike and then made her wait for a cop to get there. Really screw up her day...
Single mother? If there is no father involved then yes but if a check is coming and the k8ds see their dad. Thats being a co-parent. I hear single mother all the time, save me the bullsheeeet lady and watch where you're going.
She's not taking due care.

She's a single mother, therefore, the ex is an asshole, you are a man, therefore you are an asshole as well, so therefore, its the man's fault she is actually allowed to hit you, didn't you know.
Sad thing is she will be putting makeup while driving again tomorrow and the next day and so on. No lesson learned yet. :mad:
I'm like BoneJj, the police would have made a lasting impression on her, or at least for a week or so until she goes back to the same old routine.
At least she didn't say she was in fear for her life and plow over you and your bike. :eek:
It's people like this lady who feel they are entitled that makes me want to bash in their personal possessions (or face) to make a point. I had something like this just yesterday. Black guy in a 04-06 Red mustang, holding his phone up in one hand looking at (porn or whatever was more important than the road) almost change lanes into me. This is in San Diego 163 S @ 8 freeway junction. I honked and gave him a dirty look, he just flipped me off! No "my bad" signals, or any show of remorse. Well, Karma must've been watching because his mirror fell off his car as I left between lanes when traffic stopped. :D
Oh em gee.. at least it was nothing serious.. all these recent motorcycle stories.. i'm scared to ride now :banghead:
Oh em gee.. at least it was nothing serious.. all these recent motorcycle stories.. i'm scared to ride now :banghead:

I'm with you lol. Someone rear ending me is one of my biggest fears on a bike.

But good job keeping everything to just verbal!

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I look back and the gal behind me i her jetta is creeping up on me. I honk as she is busy putting on makeup. she bumps my back tire at super low speed and i start getting pushed slowly towards the car in front of me. She finally looked and was startled.

I got off my bike, took off my helmet and as calmly as i could walked up to her window which she cracked just a little. I told her she hit me. she said "sorry" i told her she could have crushed me between her car and the one in front. (not likely, i picture the scene in Austin Powers with the steam roller) she shrugged and said "sorry" and rolled her eyes.

I was pissed. I lost it and started yelling. I told her she needed to watch what the f*** she was doing before she killed someone, Stop putting on makeup in the car.

she stated emphatically ...................she is a single mother and she has to put on makeup in the car because she has to get her kids ready and she does NOT have the time.

I got even more pissed. The honks of the people were far off as the light had changed, did not hear them.

I told her she may be the dumbest woman ever. "get up earlier! if your makeup takes 15 minutes, get up 15 minutes earlier!"

she said, single mother, no time, blah blah going to do it in the car, f*** off!

I wanted to break her mirror off but i didn't. I told her next time she F***s up i hope her makeup brush stabs her eye out and that she shouldn't even put on makeup as it was like putting a band aide on a bullet wound.

she just did not get it. I went back. geared back up and waited for the light to change again. i noticed the front bumper had paint peeling and the front plate was all dented from a previous encounter. my tire left a small oblong line on her bumper.

oh i wanted to smash her mirror off.
Yep, you just made my signature. :thumbup:
You should have said you need to make a police report because she hit your bike and then made her wait for a cop to get there. Really screw up her day...

you are right. but i did not want to be late to work. still should have done it.

i ride this way every day. I am sure i will see her again.
Unfortunately, typical, for this day and age... "I'm a single mother with kids, so I'm going to make that *YOUR* problem..."

Its what I like to refer to as the "Me" generation. Its not even big things its down to the smallest thing. I will cut this guy off and take the chance of killing him because Im more important and if I didn't cut him off I would have to circle around one whole block? I mean seriously his life is worth less than me going around the block because im stupid and missed my turn.
