Shredding the Dragon on Goldwing


New Member
This guy has got skill - would've never imagined this - and the people who saw him wizzing by in person must have been like..."WTF was that?!?"

Those Goldwing/Deals Gap videos are some of my favorite motorcycling videos of all time. I like that they don't have to be on sportbikes to have fun on the twisties -- and yet aren't riding their touring bikes like old geezers either! :D
Spring last year, I had a guy on a Gold Wing come flying up on me one day when I was riding in the twisties. I waved him by on a straight away and then followed him a little as he was riding like this as well. I could barely keep up with him. That's quite a workout throwing that weight around.
I've heard about Gold Wing guys like this...seen a few up in Malibu. A buddy of mine on his 07 cbr600 tried to keep up but fell back 3-4 turns lol
I heard lots of scraping noises on the chase bike. I can only imagine all the grinding that was going on on the GW...
If you read up on this guy he done an ironbutt on "the gap". Can't remember how many times he run it in 24 hours, but it was a bunch. He not only has mad skills he has this road in his back yard. Lucky SOB.
the guy chasing doing the filming is not too shabby either... it is pretty awesome that he can even keep up with this guy. I first saw this video a year or two ago and I think it is the same guy that is in one of Jerry Paladino's (MotorMan) videos.
