Shift lever adjustment


Lumen Junkie
Elite Member
Absolutely yes you can :D. Look down at the linkage where the shifter connects to the shaft. You will see a hex head bolt. Loosen that all the way and you can slide the shifter off of the shaft. Rotate it a bit to your liking and put it back on.
The stock height of the shift lever was excrutiating to upshift. I have lowered the pitch twice now and dialed it in perfectly. I am new to the forum and debated offering this fix for many of the members who were complaining about shifting problems (not wanting to go into certain gears). Until I got the shift lever adjusted properly, I was missing shifts, and occasionally couldn't get it to engage. Certainly this isn't likely to be the case with every bike out there, but I was pretty quick to blame the bike for having a quirky gearbox, when a pretty aggressive adjustment to the pitch of the shift lever has solved all issues. I have not had any issues since, and also relieved alot of shin pain from trying to flex so high to change gears. I love riding this bike!!
Great post. I was wondering the same thing. I too got new boots that are thicker and am going to make the lever adjustment today.
My bike came new from the dealer with the shift lever too low. I guess it would have been ok if my chest was laying on the gas tank.

I adjusted it upward yesterday as jaspansel described and it is way better. Thanks
Related but different issue

Hi I am new to the forum, and I have a new (to me) FZ6r.

I found this thread in a search on shifting issues.

I also have trouble getting my foot under the gear for up-shifts, but I am more concerned about some times the bike not wanting to go into the next gear (typically 3rd or higher gears) while at speed.

Has anybody encountered this where when you try to upshift you reach a stop, but no click into gear and no associated desired gear change occurs either?

I have tried a real hard upshift, but when this happens (doesn't happen every time) I am just pressing and it feels like when you are in 6th gear, but think you are in 5th and try to upshift into a hard stop on the mechanical linkage.

Typically I drop the speed and then I can upshift on a second or third attempt, but this is certainly not ideal.

Would adjusting the shifter linkage help, or is it something else?

FYI, this bike has 500 miles on it, so it is still getting the break-in treatment.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

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Hi I am new to the forum, and I have a new (to me) FZ6r.

I found this thread in a search on shifting issues.

I also have trouble getting my foot under the gear for up-shifts, but I am more concerned about some times the bike not wanting to go into the next gear (typically 3rd or higher gears) while at speed.

Has anybody encountered this where when you try to upshift you reach a stop, but no click into gear and no associated desired gear change occurs either?

I have tried a real hard upshift, but when this happens (doesn't happen every time) I am just pressing and it feels like when you are in 6th gear, but think you are in 5th and try to upshift into a hard stop on the mechanical linkage.

Typically I drop the speed and then I can upshift on a second or third attempt, but this is certainly not ideal.

Would adjusting the shifter linkage help, or is it something else?

FYI, this bike has 500 miles on it, so it is still getting the break-in treatment.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


How much freeplay is in your clutch lever?
How much freeplay is in your clutch lever?

Looks like it is in tolerance (10-15mm), but not exactly sure if I am measuring it correctly. The clutch action feels OK.
I have not had any problems going into 1st or 2nd, but clicking into 3rd or 4th under moderate to hard acceleration is when I encounter the issue.
I do know how to shift a motorcycle, so I don't think the technique I am using is wrong unless this bike is peculiar.
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The shift mechanism is like a ratchet. After your toe pulls the lever up to engage the next gear, you must let it go back down as far as it wants in order to grab the next gear on the next pull up.

If your toe is inadvertantly holding it up a bit, it will not reset and will not grab the next gear.
I adjusted mine up 1 inch from stock position. It feels correct to me now with my heavy boots.:)
Awesome post! was having the same problem with not being able to fit my boot under, and having unwanted pressure on the shifter.

Anyways was wondering if anyone knows the limit of adjustment? As in how many splines on the shaft from stock is it okay to adjust the shifter...?

I went three and had to adjust the rod connection as well. result was raising the shifter 1". but the bolt on the rod just touches the plastic front sprocket cover, however not enough to stop the shift but still leaves a mark.

was also wondering if anyone has notched out this cover to avoid this or if there is aftermarket guards available.
This is somewhat of possibly the same issue I may be having. Not nessecarily bad shifting, but if I try to shift up into second, after ive already shifted into neutral in an attempt to slow down(example: see red light ahead, slow down get to neutral, light turns green while still moving so need to get into 3-6 gear), it doesnt feel good at all.

When I do shift back up it feels like im grinding, even though I have the clutch in, and am shifting at an average-quick speed. Any ideas? This has happened twice atleast. Let me know if ive just confused anyone.
Not nessecarily bad shifting, but if I try to shift up into second, after ive already shifted into neutral in an attempt to slow down(example: see red light ahead, slow down get to neutral, light turns green while still moving so need to get into 3-6 gear), it doesnt feel good at all.

Very bad! Very, very bad!
Hi I am new to the forum, and I have a new (to me) FZ6r.

I found this thread in a search on shifting issues.

I also have trouble getting my foot under the gear for up-shifts, but I am more concerned about some times the bike not wanting to go into the next gear (typically 3rd or higher gears) while at speed.

Has anybody encountered this where when you try to upshift you reach a stop, but no click into gear and no associated desired gear change occurs either?

I have tried a real hard upshift, but when this happens (doesn't happen every time) I am just pressing and it feels like when you are in 6th gear, but think you are in 5th and try to upshift into a hard stop on the mechanical linkage.

Typically I drop the speed and then I can upshift on a second or third attempt, but this is certainly not ideal.

Would adjusting the shifter linkage help, or is it something else?

FYI, this bike has 500 miles on it, so it is still getting the break-in treatment.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


My guess is the simple answer that fixed my issue. Make sure you are fully releasing the shift lever after each shift. If you are holding it up slightly with your toe, it will not let you shift again until it drops far enough to reset.

I realized that I did this with the pair of boots I ride with sometimes. Just try fully removing your toe after each shift to see if that's the issue. Then practice the full release or adjust your shift lever up to give you room to do so easier.

EDIT: I really need to read all posts. ScottM has you covered!
