Scavenger Hunt 2011


Well-Known Member
Is anyone interested in doing any sort of scavenger hunts this year? I noticed that it didn't take off much last year and saw the fz1 forum's version kept going for a while. Seems like something to do to keep us entertained and maybe get some of the many forum surfing members that don't post much to become a little active :D

Ok this is the first bout:

Sage in post 11 said:
All you need to do is post the following pics and the first to post them all is the winner, and at the end of the time period if no one has won, the member with the most is the winner. The prize to the winner, bragging rights and gets to make the next period scavenger hunt

1) Your bike next to a local landmark in the background
2) Your bike next to/on a bridge
3) Your bike next to an exotic car
4) Action photo of you on your bike
5) Picture of your bike getting filled up
6) Picture of an FZ6R getting some sort of modification or service
7) Picture of your bike getting washed

Bonus point: Who ever posts a picture of their bike with a group

Post pics as you get them, then just modify your post to add to them... All pictures must be taken after the hunt is posted...

This cool with everyone? Time limit of 1 month ok or should it be longer to be fair for those in areas that receive harsh winter weather and less time to ride? I'll edit this post when the time limit is established..

FEB 28th: This picture won't count for me, but here is a group ride i showed up to so I could hang out for a while. Brought the MINI :)

MARCH 6th: (6) 1st picture is of the newly cleaned and greased chain. (7) 2nd is some good old meguiers giving some nice shine :)

MARCH 26th: (6) Pic of bike taken apart for Proton Install :)

APRIL 13th: (4) Vroom Vroom :)


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I'm down:)

It was a fantastic day for riding in central PA. My nephew and I had a great day.

Got the bridge, the fuel up, and that is the Wild Cat roller coaster at Hershey Park.

Cleaned up bike after I got home and installed some new horns cuz the stock road runner horn is very ineffective on the highway when the cagers are constantly cutting you off.


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Yeah buddy :D

Will do my best to keep up on em and keep it active! They are always fun and love seeing the pictures.
Sounds like fun!
Alrighty, at least we have a few of us that will be interested :p

I won't be able to participate until if/when i can get my moto down to school, if not it will be random weekends and the summer haha. Just thought It would be cool to see some of the scenery around the country.

Here are the rules from the FZ-1 site and I thought they were pretty straightforward. Tell me if you want the hunt to work another way and we can change it! :)

Name a place or thing to take a picture with your bike. First person to go out, take, and post the picture picks the next one. Must be a picture taken after the challenge started! Try not to make it impossible. No photochops. If nobody else gets the picture within 48hours, the person that picked it can choose a new one. New challenge must be picked when picture of the last one was posted...


1) If a challenge is not met after 48hours a new topic is picked by the last winner...

2) Post your pic in this thread and state your new challenge below the picture.

3) Your bike must be in ALL pics...

4) After any comment, please put the current challenge at the bottom so everyone can stay up to date.

5) Pictures must be taken AFTER the challenge is posted. Don't cheat, there's no point of cheating... the point is to get out and ride!

I will start and make it easy to get the game rolling...

How about we start with:

Your motorcycle next to a coffee-shop
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Alrighty, at least we have a few of us that will be interested :p

I won't be able to participate until if/when i can get my moto down to school, if not it will be random weekends and the summer haha. Just thought It would be cool to see some of the scenery around the country.

Here are the rules from the FZ-1 site and I thought they were pretty straightforward. Tell me if you want the hunt to work another way and we can change it! :)

How about we start with:
Your motorcycle next to a coffee-shop

This isn't quite the scavenger hunt that most of us had in mind. The one that I imagine a lot of us were thinking about was a list of like 5-10 picture items, each worth a point plus any optional bonus pics. There was a deadline set, and the first person to get all pics posted and have the most points won.

Kinda like this...
All you need to do is post the following pics and the first to post them all is the winner, and at the end of the month if no one has won, the member with the most is the winner. The prize to the winner, bragging rights and gets to make the next months scavenger hunt

1) You bike next to a water tower (or water reservoir)
2) You bike with a local monument in the background
3) Your bikes odometer with all the same number (eg. 3333 miles)
4) Action photo of you on your bike
5) Artistic photo of your bike (close ups, photoshops, whatever you choose, just not a typical picture)

Bonus point: Who ever posts a picture of their dirtiest bike (FZ6R's only)

Also you are alowed to combine pictures, except if you local monument is water tower find somthign else for a local monument haha! But if you have an action photo next to a water tower that works....

Post pics as you get them, then just modify your post to add to them...
Cool with me, whatever the majority would like to do :) I like the sound of that kind of hunt also.
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All you need to do is post the following pics and the first to post them all is the winner, and at the end of the time period if no one has won, the member with the most is the winner. The prize to the winner, bragging rights and gets to make the next period scavenger hunt

1) Your bike next to a local landmark in the background
2) Your bike next to/on a bridge
3) Your bike next to an exotic car
4) Action photo of you on your bike
5) Picture of your bike getting filled up
6) Picture of your bike getting some sort of modification or service
7) Picture of your bike getting washed

Bonus point: Who ever posts a picture of their bike with a group

Post pics as you get them, then just modify your post to add to them... All pictures must be taken after the hunt is posted...

This cool with everyone? Time limit of 1 month ok or should it be longer to be fair for those in areas that receive harsh winter weather and less time to ride? I'll edit this post when the time limit is established..
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Hmm.. #6 gonna be a challenge since I dont own a FZ6R :D. Maybe one is getting worked on at the shop haha. Look forward to seeing the pics and seeing what the winners come up with next for the hunt!
Haha it can be your R6 :p I just went a typin not thinkin about the others that don't have the bike anymore lol. Can't wait to see what people come up with
Well, I guess I will start this off! This will be my picture post...

Washing the R6 :cool:. Couldn't find my regular camera so I tested out the timed consecutive photo option on the GoPro. Was afraid the lighting in the garage wouldn't work but it came out pretty decent. Love this camera! The lens on this thing is so wide, its hard NOT to get what you want in the shot.

Once this snow melts I will be getting some more, so you all better get out there!



Here is a combo picture:

Action shot AND a bridge! Or does this not count at action without being able to see me?

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Went out today with my uncle. It was a beautiful day!! i was also out yesterday. so i started on the scavenger hunt.

photo.jpg this is the land mark. that is the Original Hershey Chocolate plant towers. note how they say hershey on them.

View attachment 20689 this is me filling my tank.

2 down 6 (with bonus) to go.
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And it's ON! :D
Weather around here is iffy right now, so I am sure someone will get all of this before I get a chance to
