Road Rage - No One Wins

So he plead nolo contendre? If so that is a guilty plea. I would file a small claims case against the guy since you unfortunately don't have Progressive to go to. If your witness will testify he will most certainly be found at fault and should pay for the repairs to your bike. I can't understand the insurance company as they have a driver who was given a ticket for reckless driving. How can they "deny" he was at fault?

This was my thought, but they did. So depending on the outcome of my letter to them, I'll be heading to court. He was actually charged with aggressive driving (within the clause says "with intent to harm, or injure") so it carries a stiffer sentence.

Noelle prosequi is "a formal notice of abandonment by a plaintiff or prosecutor of all or part of a suit or action." Sounds like the prosecutor felt he didn't have enough evidence to go to court. With charges dropped, it looks like the insurance feels they won't have to pay.

It turns out the cop forgot to subpeona witnesses to the trial, but the charges aren't technically dropped. He still is charged, and from my understanding can be formally charged again with proper paperwork etc. Idk, I'm just going to wait a few more days and see what the insurance says and then talk to a lawyer if need be and go from there.
Insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying claims, including making the process a pain in the arse. Keep at them, they're hoping you'll just give up.
Insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying claims, including making the process a pain in the arse. Keep at them, they're hoping you'll just give up.

Haha yea they are, no worries though I'm not giving this up. I want my bike back to the way it was before he ran me off the road.

Thanks for all the support!

Any updates on this? Curious as to what happened.

Nothing. The insurance company deemed me partly responsible (not sure what they mean by that) and it's not financially worth it on my end to go after them, so it just kind of ran it's course and is at a dead end. Luckily I got the bike up and running and I'm going to upgrade some of the messed up parts.
