Road Rage - No One Wins


New Member
Maybe its just me, but it seems we are living in an ever increasingly hostile world and the media tends to feed this progression by reporting it. Our American founding fathers created a system that relied on self restraint of the individual, America is not a police state it is a free state and we all need to learn self control and politeness, otherwise the system could break down.

As an example, I was pulling out of my work parking lot the other day and another employee who I don't know was waiting to get in my spot. I gave him a friendly wave to demonstrate understanding that he was waiting, and he scowled and gave me the bird. Ha ha, really! I guess people are really stressed out or don't know how to handle normal daily stress. I could have confronted him the next day, but most likely the situation would have just escalated and I would have lost somehow. No, I just park a little further down now cause I know where he likes to park. I let it go. I call that being a man of peace, trust me I could go a different route. And, that is what this World needs, more Peace. Glad to hear you did not get hurt and the situation did not go worse, but it all could have been avoided if the truck driver just showed a little self control and that starts with a mindset of promoting peace, IMO.


New Member
Maybe its just me, but it seems we are living in an ever increasingly hostile world and the media tends to feed this progression by reporting it. Our American founding fathers created a system that relied on self restraint of the individual, America is not a police state it is a free state and we all need to learn self control and politeness, otherwise the system could break down.

As an example, I was pulling out of my work parking lot the other day and another employee who I don't know was waiting to get in my spot. I gave him a friendly wave to demonstrate understanding that he was waiting, and he scowled and gave me the bird. Ha ha, really! I guess people are really stressed out or don't know how to handle normal daily stress. I could have confronted him the next day, but most likely the situation would have just escalated and I would have lost somehow. No, I just park a little further down now cause I know where he likes to park. I let it go. I call that being a man of peace, trust me I could go a different route. And, that is what this World needs, more Peace. Glad to hear you did not get hurt and the situation did not go worse, but it all could have been avoided if the truck driver just showed a little self control and that starts with a mindset of promoting peace, IMO.

I agree my man, I also could have slid out of his way and let him have his accident elsewhere. But neither of us did either of those things so here we are haha.

That being said, estimate came back...~$3,900...let's see what insurance does with that considering I only paid $3,400 for it..


New Member
Glad you are ok as that is all that matters in the end. I would have to think $3,900 totals the bike. Maybe a new one is in your future....


New Member
Glad you are ok as that is all that matters in the end. I would have to think $3,900 totals the bike. Maybe a new one is in your future....

Yea thats my fear, I love this bike. Hopefully I can get a new one if they total it out. The other guy is trying to fight it with his insurance but I just don't see him getting out of it with his ticket and witness statement.


New Member
Yea thats my fear, I love this bike. Hopefully I can get a new one if they total it out. The other guy is trying to fight it with his insurance but I just don't see him getting out of it with his ticket and witness statement.

Yeah, good luck with that as I am sure there are witnesses. What he did can never be justified even if you did cut him off(which I doubt ever happened).


New Member
Yeah, good luck with that as I am sure there are witnesses. What he did can never be justified even if you did cut him off(which I doubt ever happened).

Agreed, luckily there was a witness who stayed and gave a report. He also has a court date 11 days prior to this court date for reckless driving. I'm hoping he gets some jail time.

In any case... insurance agent on vacation till the 2nd and still no resolution. :facepalm:


New Member
Little update: Travelers Insurance has decided to deny the claim, and are not going to repair the motorcycle. Time to lawyer up.


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Little update: Travelers Insurance has decided to deny the claim, and are not going to repair the motorcycle. Time to lawyer up.

A trucker hit my dad (in his car, not on his bike!) and I told him to lawyer up right away, due to gnarly car damage and back pain. Sure enough, they are trying to wiggle even though the trucker was 100% at fault. (Dad was stopped at a red light, trucker plowed into side of car from behind with a wide u-turn ... never saw my dad sitting there!) They wanted him to settle for $4K ... car is brand new (10k miles) and A-pillar is bent at door frame. Insurance will try to rob you coming and going.


New Member
A trucker hit my dad (in his car, not on his bike!) and I told him to lawyer up right away, due to gnarly car damage and back pain. Sure enough, they are trying to wiggle even though the trucker was 100% at fault. (Dad was stopped at a red light, trucker plowed into side of car from behind with a wide u-turn ... never saw my dad sitting there!) They wanted him to settle for $4K ... car is brand new (10k miles) and A-pillar is bent at door frame. Insurance will try to rob you coming and going.

Dang man, sorry to hear about that! Hopefully they get it all sorted out. Luckily I got my bike towed home and got some of the parts off ebay to get in running again for around $200.

I'm going to wait till after Tuesday when he goes to court and see what the outcome is, but I'm going to send them a letter stating that I talked to an attorney and am expecting compensation. We'll see how it goes.


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New Member
Is it your insurance or his that is balking?

His is denying it, mine lapsed some how, progressive didn't auto pay after one year and I didn't know.

So a little update - his case was finalized on Tuesday, waiting to hear the result.

Bike is back up and running. Handlebars are still a little crooked, what should I look for in terms of a fix?

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You can see the bend a little bit here.

Edit: Would direct link the picture, but the file seems to be HUGE

Double Edit: Looks like it's just the handle bars, the forks seem/appear straight (going to drop them later to see for sure) but it rode straight and well (minus the handlebars).

Follow up question - Thinking about changing out to the FZ1 handlebars, what year works with my bike? It's an 09
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New Member
thats where mine bent the first two time...

Thanks for the heads up, looks like that's where mine is bent too. Guess maybe it's time to go clip on route.

Also, little update. Charges were not followed up with on him: Noelle Prosequi.
Still going forth with my pursuit of compensation though.


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New Member
The easy way to tell is to take the bars off and set them on a flat level surface, if the bends on both ends appear (you can measure) to be the same then its not the bars.

Yea I'll probably do this, starting to get below the comfort weather for riding, so I'll ask for clips ons for christmas and start ripping her apart for next season.

The insurance company received my letter today, hopefully they'll settle that way before having to go to court, but I'll go that route if need be.


New Member
So he plead nolo contendre? If so that is a guilty plea. I would file a small claims case against the guy since you unfortunately don't have Progressive to go to. If your witness will testify he will most certainly be found at fault and should pay for the repairs to your bike. I can't understand the insurance company as they have a driver who was given a ticket for reckless driving. How can they "deny" he was at fault?


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