Riding to work...in a suit?


New Member
I've been debating riding to work on my bike for months now (im ~25 miles each way) and packing my suit pants in a book bag and leaving the suit jacket at work the night before. Now, I work at a Bank and professionalism is key, but unless I'm going out to meet a client I don't see anything wrong with it. Unfortunately, my peers have advised against it.

It got me thinking - are any of you in a similar situation, and do you ride or take the cager to work?
why not change at work and put your stuff in an area that is secure/not visible?

my office is pretty laid back so i throw my gear under my cube and put my jacket on the back of my chair. im sure it varies place to place though.
My work has a gym... I ride in with my "work clothes" in the bag, workout, shower, change, ppl don't even know I ride bike until I go back to gym to change! So, if ur job has a gym I'd try that angle.

I dress business casual tho, no jackets. If a pristine image is a requirement for ur job, I'd voice my opinion along side ur co-workers. No need to lose ur job over a hobby IMO
I've done the commute to work every day for the past week and a half on the bike. I don't have to wear a coat right now, fortunately, but I am expected to be in dressier clothes etc. The only problem I've run into is that it is ridiculously hot, and my boss made a comment about needing to make absolutely sure that I'm not covered in sweat when I start my shift. I would imagine you'll run into a similar issue, and maybe that's one of the concerns. I'd suggest, if you really want to do it, just make sure you have ways of getting around that problem.

One of the other jobs I do is for the Alabama Legislature, where we actually are required to be in full suit and tie and such when they're in session. A guy I work with up there rode his bike to work at least twice a week, and never had any issues at all.
I have to wear dress clothes as in button down shirt pressed with a tie and dress slacks. I wear polyester dress slacks for the no wrinkle...put my shin guards under them, put my shirt on, then my jacket....tie the tie when I get to work and wam bam thank you maam! Im going to do it tomorrow morning as long as weather permits.
My work has a gym... I ride in with my "work clothes" in the bag, workout, shower, change, ppl don't even know I ride bike until I go back to gym to change! So, if ur job has a gym I'd try that angle.

I dress business casual tho, no jackets. If a pristine image is a requirement for ur job, I'd voice my opinion along side ur co-workers. No need to lose ur job over a hobby IMO

where do you work? Lucky duck!
being a female its a bit more of a PITO for me as i have to do my hair and compleatly change my clothes due to the fact I generally wear skirts and what not for work. I don' even get ready in the morning just throw on gear and off to work i go and i get showered and do everything i would do at home at the office (but with the gov it is pretty standard to have a gym or at least a locker room at your location) I second the use of a gym if you have one at yor disposal (but working at a bank prob not). BUT i would just leave the whole thing at work and change if thats a possiblitly. You could always pull a field shower like we do in the Army and clean up using baby wipes ;)
I've seen a couple ppl here in s. florida riding to work in a full get up....when they are a scooter it makes me ROFL all over the place...
I wear dress pants under my Scorpion Deuce overpants and carry my dress shoes in my tailbag. You could do the same if you leave your jacket at work.

I also keep my hair really short (#3 clippers), so I don't have to worry about helmet head.
I have a little bigger pair of pants that I just throw over my normal jeans then just stick it under my desk. Work usually dont have an issue with that or my helmet sticking on the top of my cube either ( think the boss likes it cause he knows im still at work lol)
I work at a hotel and have to wear dress pants button up and tie. I just wear it all on the ride if its not too hot out. Granted my ride is less than 10 minutes it is a lot easier for me.
I'm glad don't have to dress up for work.

that would really cut down on my commuting on the bike.

Jeans, boots, @ t-shirt under my gear and i'm off.
I ride to my work most days (that's the most use my bike gets). But I work in an Aluminium smelter. I have a change house and shower facilities and they launder my work clothes for me so no need to take work clothes home.

Back when I worked in a bank I wouldn't have ridden to work. I get too hot and smelly in my riding gear so unless there was a shower to use there is no way I would ride when I need to be presentable.

Yeah my office is rather casual but we have to go on customer calls with the lender sometimes and we need to wear the jacket etc. Otherwise it's shirt, tie, and slacks.

I think I'll try riding next week when there's no rain in the forecast. We'll see.
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