Riding in the rain....


New Member
Sucks! Do I need to do anything special with the bike after riding in the rain for approx 30 min? I know you are supposed to lube the chain, but is that it?
Man, I envy you!!! I wish I was riding in the rain right now... it's been so long since I've seen rain, I had to turn on the sprinkler to remind me what it was like :D

Ah, now, to your questions! Lube the chain, check for rust (surface rust mostly).... air dry the leathers! Don't ever try to tumble them in the dryer! Nothing else much for the bike, it likes the rain:p

How long you been riding? Riding in the rain is relaxing, if you have proper rain gear... I've been riding for just over a year, and I love it every time it rains! Take it easy in the turns, take it easy thru the "rivers" and enjoy.

I was thinking about putting the gear in the dryer, but thought that would probably be a bad idea..lol

I usually wear jeans when riding so that is the worst part about it...it actually did feel good, but I felt like if I leaned over too much I would not get the traction I need.
Nope, bikes are built for all weather conditions like any other vehicle. So really all you need to do is lube the chain.

It's like washing your bike, still have to lube the chain. But when washing your bike don't spray water directly in the exhaust.
I ride in all weather unless it is icy or snowing. If you have the right gear it's actually quite tolerable.

I live in the burbs of Seattle, so if I didn't ride in the the rain then I just wouldn't ride at all. ;)
Riding in the rain is relaxing, if you have proper rain gear...

Couldn't agree more - when you have proper gear riding in the rain is awesome. There is a certain peaceful solitude the rain ads to a ride. And you don't have to spend a pantload to get decent raingear. I use a Fieldsheer rainsuit the wife got me for Christmas ($60.00 for the whole getup) and it's served me well.

This was taken at the halfway point of a five hour ride - it rained the entire time - probably the most serene ride I've ever been on. Admittedly, without the proper gear it would have been miserable...
I like riding in the rain as well. When you're dry, it can be a lot of fun. Just be cautious when going over road markings. Those things get slick as snot when they are wet!

Also, as far as the bike goes, do what everyone else said and lube the chain.
Me too!!! By the way stock tires are not bad for rain and wet road.
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Me too!!! By the way stock tires are not bad for rain and wet road.

Tracie's came with BT021's which I've heard good things about - pretty good tire for OEM. Is that what yours are?

If anyone cares I'm running Pirelli Angel St's on Alice (my VFR) and they are excellent stick dry and wet. We'll see about mileage - I've only got about 2k miles on them so far but seem to be wearing well...
Got caught out the other day , riding in the rain was fun :), 65-70 mph , had to turn head to the side occasionally , motorcyclist windshield wiper .

I'm going to have to say, I'm impartial to the rain. I don't "hate" it, nor am I a fan. However, as long as I prepare for it, and wear my rain gear. I get to my destination bone dry.

The only thing I DO dislike about the whole process, is making sure I don't get pinned under the wheels of a none observant cager.:scared:

:noworries: LOL - What's wrong with riding in the rain at 70? Heck, if you're on the interstate you'd likely be going faster just to avoid getting run over. Now I wouldn't go running through twisties at that speed, but on the open road... Why not?

Helps keep the visor clearer anyway:steve:

Dig that avatar by the way!!
I like riding in the rain too, except when I have to sneeze! Oh Oh lift the visor, get pelted with needles, sneeze, close visor, face now itchy, need to sneeze 2 more times!
Just be cautious when going over road markings.

That's when I crack open the throttle and see how many gears I can go through before my tire gets traction again. ;-)

Also, as far as the bike goes, do what everyone else said and lube the chain.
I don't like to maintain chains, so I just buy a good quality x or o-ring chain and replace it when it's worn (4K or so).
:noworries: LOL - What's wrong with riding in the rain at 70? Heck, if you're on the interstate you'd likely be going faster just to avoid getting run over. Now I wouldn't go running through twisties at that speed, but on the open road... Why not?

Helps keep the visor clearer anyway:steve:

Dig that avatar by the way!!
Yeah cagers look at you like WTF . :mikebike:
Of course rain gear and all , not to bad , was nice but something I don't just go out and do .

Even Billy Joel rides in the rain:thumbup:
