Riding in the rain....

That's when I crack open the throttle and see how many gears I can go through before my tire gets traction again. ;-)

I don't like to maintain chains, so I just buy a good quality x or o-ring chain and replace it when it's worn (4K or so).

To each his own, but I spend like 5 minutes every 500 miles or so on chain maintenance and get 5 or 6 times that many miles out of a chain...
I thought it was fun when me and Dart would ride the hour to work in the rain! haha My old jacket leaked though so I had a big wet spot right down my chest. Rain pants make a world of a difference! It is pretty enjoyable staying dry while riding in the rain. Nice and cool, peaceful :cool:

I like all the crazy looks people give you when you are on a bike and its pouring outside :D

Only thing that I truly hate.... Hail! got caught in a massive hail storm and it was painful... Felt like riding through a paintball tournament!
I'll tell ya, I wasn't too fond of it the first couple of times (especially the first when I got caught with no rain gear as it was on order, wet jeans suck).

But, I'll never forget the day I decided it was raining and I'd ride to work in the cage, only to have the rain stop and it turn out to be the best day ever (but my poor bike was stuck at home, and I at work), I was kicking myself all the way home, in my cage:mad:

I love riding in the rain now, like the article said, it's wet outside... I'm dry in my rain gear. I also don't have perfect weather forecasters, so I have to be ready for any changes in the weather, freak storms do happen, especially if you commute more than a few miles.

Do you put some kind of rain repellant on your visor? I've riden in the rain once on this bike and the only issue I had was the visor so I couldn't see. I don't mind it at all on cruisers with a functional windshield and a full face helmet.
I just turn my head left/right and the rain rolls off ;) Or get a thumb squigee :D
To funny , visor squeegee . :cheer: I am with the other guy , head turn is the best . :D

Doesn't work for me, since the moment I turn my head is exactly when someone decides to merge into me.

Just make sure it's clean and the rain will fall right off. My gloves also has a squeegee built into the left forefinger, I think most mc gloves do.

+2. I also have a synthetic spray wax that I use on the visor (and on the bike as well). It makes the visor even more slippery so when (and if) I turn my head, the water flies off real quick.
+2. I also have a synthetic spray wax that I use on the visor (and on the bike as well). It makes the visor even more slippery so when (and if) I turn my head, the water flies off real quick.

Got a link or brand name for that?
Got a link or brand name for that?

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Turtle-Wax-T-470B-Synthetic-Detailer/dp/B0024BNDEI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1284142227&sr=8-1]Amazon.com: Turtle Wax T-470B ICE Synthetic Spray Detailer - 23 oz.: Automotive[/ame]

I bought it at the auto parts store and its just a spray wax for quick detailing. It's what I have used to clean my bike and helmet with since new and it hasn't effected the windscreens or visors. Buffs thing up nice for a quick shine. And, it makes bugs guts come off easier too.
Driving in the rain...

I got to say, it's not something I enjoy or look forward too. The forecast called for rain around 8pm tonight...guess what showed up at 3 and never left!

I tried to wait it out but wanted to beat some of the darkness so I left work. It wouldn't have been that big a deal except home is 55 miles away and I didnt have any rain gear :mad:

Other than f-tards on the road it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I couldnt see very well at all with the mist and water on my helmet but I stayed dry more than I expected. Bike felt a little sluggish (but it could have been me since I was getting cold, especially my hands).

Throw in some fog and about 3 miles of milled (unpaved) roads and it was butt pucker time 30% of the way.

Any others get stuck like this frequently? This was my first time and I will continue to avoid it if possible.

Oh, anything I should look for afterwards due to water? Again the bike felt sluggish but could have been the cool air, etc lending to that.
Everyone calls me the weather man at work, especially during the fall/winter months, because I always check/know what the weather is gonna be.

HTF did I miss this thread?

milled roads... so, you're taking the mountain to work every day? rt 7 is a mess right now. Rain/wind was hideous tonight, gotta clean the chain this weekend...

OK, let me know when you're hitting the road, I'm back in the retreat, we can at least ride part of our trip together into work! jspansel and I used to meet at the firehouse and ride in together, two bikes are seen better than one!

You down for a ride tomorrow night? Got a big group hitting up the Chik-Fil-A car'n'bike night Fri night! I'll be there around 8ish.

Count me in...I'm leaving now! :D
