Reminder: Always check your tire pressure!


New Member
When riding my bike last weekend I noticed handling was absolute crap. Wasn't sure why. So it hit me. I used to check my tire pressure regularly before each ride but started to get lazy and skipped it a couple times. Decided to check it just now, the front was at 23.5 psi, rear was 29...holy moly!

If you're not doing it already, check tire pressure before each ride, it may save your life!!!
I actually just ran into this problem recently as well. I just checked my tires last weekend before my ride and my front tire is supposed to be 36 i believe and it was down to 28 but my rear tire was only off by half as much. I spent nearly 20 minutes trying to find out if there are any leaks but couldn't find any.

Needless to say I will be checking that tire more often.
Yes I know mine are low as well thanks for the reminder :)
I actually don't understand why people try use their own subjective criteria for selecting tire pressures. The ones suggested by tire manufacturers and bike manufacturers are calculated for optimal performance and safety. I use the pressures suggested in the manual.
I actually don't understand why people try use their own subjective criteria for selecting tire pressures. The ones suggested by tire manufacturers and bike manufacturers are calculated for optimal performance and safety. I use the pressures suggested in the manual.

Because a lot of manufactures also recommend that if you are over a certain weight you need to increase the tire pressure. As was the case with my Vulcan 900, it specified for rider weight to tire pressure and if you do a little more research you will find that rider weight plays a large role in bike performance that you have ever previously thought.
