Pictures not showing on posts


New Member
Hey guys, not sure if this is the right place for this thread, but I am new so please bare with me. I seem to run across people who have posted pictures but they are showing as a red X for me. I am logged in, I am running the newest version of IE9, I do have the compatibility button turned on (I am pretty ok with using the internet). Any advice?:confused:
You answered your own question...

Chrome FTW!

actually I use chrome myself and yesterday I ran into the problem of a few attached images on the forum not working properly. They weren't clickable at all.

It seems the forum may need it's tables updated/rebuilt.
it shouldn't be blocking images hosted on the site if you can access the site from your work.

My work computer does the same thing. Some pictures I can see, others I can't. It must be something with the security settings because my home computer shows all the pics just fine.
Excuse me ... but you guys who work in an office should be working,,not looking at this site!:D:justkidding:
Excuse me ... but you guys who work in an office should be working,,not looking at this site!:D:justkidding:

I can do whatever I want in my office, I own it... LOL.

Excuse me ... but you guys who work in an office should be working,,not looking at this site!:D:justkidding:

You kidding me? I've been playing that snake game on here at work for hours.
