Other riders on High end bikes

I've passed "faster" bikes, and I've been passed by "slower" bikes. Bootom line is that literally any bike can be faster than any other bike with the right rider on the slow one and the wrong rider on the fast one. Who knows, maybe one of those SS guys gets his kicks on the track and just takes it easy in public? Maybe one of them was hungover that day and knew his head wasn't sharp enough to push hard.

The 6R is no slouch, and I don't know how it came by that rep. It's easy to be impressed when you hang with SS bikes because of that mis-information, but other bikes out there aren't THAT much quicker. Something like an FZ1 or a 600SS will pull away from a 6R, but it won't leave it behind like an F-16 running from a 737. Compound that with the fact that comparison represents both bikes running flat out. Who runs flat out on the road? I ride my FZ1 with 600 sport tourers all the time. The only time they struggle to keep up is when accelerating hard to pass a couple slowpokes. Except for when I drop to second and snap the throttle wide open, I never find myself waiting up. Even if we were all out flogging the snot out of our bikes, those 600's might give up 5 or so seconds over a mile. BFD!

Who needs an SS for the street? Who needs 1000cc for the street? Who needs an FZ6R for the street? Who needs anything quicker than a Honda Ruckus? None of us. Everyone here has a bike that could put them in jail. Ride what you want for the reason you want. If you ride a Ducati because you like the look or sound of it, right on! You're certainly not taking your money to the grave, so if you can afford what you like, go for it. Just don't be a squid out there.

Whether it's an old Virago turned in to a bobber or an R1 with every go-fast goodie available, your best bet is to compare your ride today to your ride yesterday. Improvement comes from within. Don't compare yourself to other bikes or riders out there. Just ride the way you want. Comparing to other riders makes you feel like a hotshot until you crash on the Dragon trying to keep up with a 150cc scoother because you had no idea the guy riding it has been racing AMA pro for 25 years and is just out screwing around, so just have fun, be safe, and always look out for #1.
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Originally Posted by Rich007

So what I am getting at is these other guys that I walked away from spent too much money on the bike and gear to look pretty on there bikes with no ability to ride. I have never seen such a beautiful bunch of bikes in such an awesome place to ride as this with such lack of ability. I just want to ask, "what in the hell were you thinking"? Unfortuatly I didn't get htat chance because it would have been considered inappropriate.

Sorry, just had to vent that one out and I think I may just out grow this 6R by next year.

Originally Posted by abyss1406
I think the OP was just suprised the 6r did well thats all. kinda like finding a ten dollar bill in your pocket, didnt know it was there, just added to the experience

Abyss - I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion with the paragraph I qouted. OP stated specifically what he was "getting at". I could be wrong, Lord knows it's happened before.

I think you are absolutely right Pinarello Rider, the OP was going to become an a$$, but "didn't get that chance"...

All im saying is, its not the bike, its the rider. sometimes im suprised the 6r does well. Other times, i get passed up by a 70 year old man on a drz 450.
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