Ok.. Which one of you is this???

Honestly with how many guns there are in the states, our shootings are not as bad as people think. Imagine if england had guns readily available. Every futbol match would be a massacre.
Honestly with how many guns there are in the states, our shootings are not as bad as people think. Imagine if england had guns readily available. Every futbol match would be a massacre.

truth right here
Holy Enourmous Signature, Batman! Could you maybe shrink that pic down there, Josh? I thought there was a size limit on these things?

its not big for me? its like 3 inches by 2 inches?
Honestly with how many guns there are in the states, our shootings are not as bad as people think. Imagine if england had guns readily available. Every futbol match would be a massacre.
Very ignorant statement. Have you been to or ever watched an EPL game?
Holy Enourmous Signature, Batman! Could you maybe shrink that pic down there, Josh? I thought there was a size limit on these things?
In your personal settings you can chose not to display the signatures. I did exactly that. I don't really care what people have installed, wear, own or believe in and I don't want to scroll the entire page that has three posts and the rest of the space is filled with useless cr#p.
They are getting a bit out of hand... they are huge.
its not big for me? its like 3 inches by 2 inches?

Naw dude, your sig is massive. Not everyone has a high resolution screen. You sig takes up more than 3/4 the height of my screen.
It's not a big deal on my 27" iMac, but all the flashing, video, etc. in some sigs is just really distracting and adds nothing.

It's a full screen on the 13" MacBook I use in the living room which makes browsing the threads a pain.

I have a 21 inch screen on my desktop and it's not that bad there but I normally browse on my laptop and it takes up a lot of my screen on the laptop. It's a cheapy one that I picked up for school after my good one died after I bought one of my bikes. Not a good time to have to buy something else expensive.

Apart from the rest of his body being exposed, does he think maybe wearing socks will help? Wow, I've seen some crazy *** peeps here in Alberta but this dude def wins the dumbass award....

Hahahaha wow was this thread hijacked! Idiots>guns>sigs>monitors.... Lol :catfight: :hijack:
