new to forums


New Member
Just found this womens section...very cool!!
New to forums and how they work, will figure it all out....
Proud owner of a new 2011 Reddish copper/ Raven FZ6R!! What a bike, beautiful and fast as hell!!
Rode a Kawasaki GPz 750 for 20 years but had to put her out to pasture, miss that ol' girl but this new bike is helping me get over that!!
Just wanted to say hi all!!
Just found this womens section...very cool!!
New to forums and how they work, will figure it all out....
Proud owner of a new 2011 Reddish copper/ Raven FZ6R!! What a bike, beautiful and fast as hell!!
Rode a Kawasaki GPz 750 for 20 years but had to put her out to pasture, miss that ol' girl but this new bike is helping me get over that!!
Just wanted to say hi all!!

:welcome: :thumbup:
Just found this womens section...very cool!!
New to forums and how they work, will figure it all out....
Proud owner of a new 2011 Reddish copper/ Raven FZ6R!! What a bike, beautiful and fast as hell!!
Rode a Kawasaki GPz 750 for 20 years but had to put her out to pasture, miss that ol' girl but this new bike is helping me get over that!!
Just wanted to say hi all!!

WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME!!!! You will love the community here, everyone is pretty soft hearted and willing to help in any way possible! Lots of great info on the site, we have all learned alot! Your going to LOVE your Fz...AMAZING bike! Anywho thanks for joining up were glad to have you on board!! :iconbeer:
Welcome to our community! You'll love it here, and find a ton of great information :)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. :cheer:
welcome! welcome! welcome!

Welcome and new too

I've also just joined this forum and finally figured out how to respond to a thread--amazing that old dogs can learn new tricks. This is a very helpful forum and I am looking forward to learning more about my bike from other ladies that ride!:)
