New rider from Florida


New Member
Hey everyone!

New rider here from the Panhandle. Just got back from deployment in Afghan and I've always wanted a bike. So I figured one of the first things I'll do is get a bike! So I went around to dealerships and didn't want to spend so much on a first bike, so I went the Craigslist route.

I bought a 2009 FZ6R with 3000 miles. Got it registered today and went riding already! Glad to be apart of a riding community and hopefully some of you are around this area and we can go on riding adventures haha

-Kyle C
welcome from CA, we have several riders down in the Florida area. in fact I think the exhaust master Marthy is down there. Be safe, get good gear and enjoy the bike its a great one.
welcome from CA, we have several riders down in the Florida area. in fact I think the exhaust master Marthy is down there. Be safe, get good gear and enjoy the bike its a great one.

Sweet deal! I'll keep a look out for them! I have some riding gear, but I ordered a better helmet (Shoei RF1200) and a nice Alpinestars jacket! Deciding weather or not I want proper riding boots, or If I should just stick to my steal toes from work for now...
Sweet deal! I'll keep a look out for them! I have some riding gear, but I ordered a better helmet (Shoei RF1200) and a nice Alpinestars jacket! Deciding weather or not I want proper riding boots, or If I should just stick to my steal toes from work for now...

Shoe and an alpinestar jacket..... RICH GUY ALERT!!! :)

I would go with boots. Initially I did the Kevlar Jeans over boots, but eventually moved to race style pants that go inside the boots. The boots were okay with jeans over them, but lots of dead space around the calves since they are sized to have pants tucked in.

The cool thing about race pants is they have the shin, knee, and hip armor already in there and the boots fit snug and stabilize the shin and knee armor in the pants. A-stars A-10 air flo pants are just as cool as jeans in Summer with more protection and no flapping cuffs. Of course you gonna look like a racer boy, but I actually like that look.
