New member welcome thread

Hi everyone. I’m Bruce in Fremont, CA. I took the MSN course and started riding in November 2006. My first bike was a ‘01 Kawasaki Vulcan 500. I picked up my new 09 Blue FZ6R from the dealership last Saturday and rode it 99 miles home. Haven’t had much time to ride it yet but know it’s going to be loads of fun. This forum is great and I’m learning a lot from your inputs. Oh, I’ll be 62 in March.
congrats on the new bike and welcome to our humble abode :)
Howdy howdy everyone. Just joined the forum yesterday hoping it'll be a good place to look to for answers related to my bike. bought a 09 fz6r this last summer off the show room where it had sat for a year with only 2 miles on it. talked the salesman down and there i was with my first ever motorcycle. got my license a couple months later(never to late right?) and now it sits in my garage waiting for summer again. managed to get 2000 miles on it last year. planning on personalizing it.
Welcome! :cool:
Hey, I'm Joe from Lawrenceville, GA and I've never ridden before. I've been wanting to ride since I was in 3rd grade (I'll be 18 at the end of March). Wanting a bike to ride from home/work/school. Right now I drive an '04 Ford Ranger Edge. Definitly not fuel efficient and I'm hating the insurance for it right now (little more than $1400/yr, guess being I'm a teenage male :p). I hope to take a motorcycle training program at my local DMV, then get my license and most likely take a beginner MSF course. I have State Farm and I hear that they don't give you a discount on insurance for the MSF course but the more training the better.
Been doing a lot of research now and starting to really get into it, being I'm getting to that feels like the long awaited moment you've been dreaming about. I really like the Yamahas I've seen on the road and I want a bike that I could learn on but still keep after that basic learning process was complete. I heard about the FZ6R and thought I'd check it out at my local Yamaha dealer (thankfully less than 15 mins away). Went in, talked to the bored dude and he sat me down on an '11 raven FZ6R. I was expecting to feel uncomfortable but I was proved wrong almost immediatly. Very comfortable, my feet can touch the ground, and it was much lighter than I expected. Definitly a confidence booster. I asked if they have a used one and they have an '09 Yellow for about $4,800 with about 4,300 miles on it. I sat on the R1 and R6 just for the hell of it, also nice bikes but way too outta my league.
Also reading from this forum, it seems to me that a lot of the members have the FZ6R as their first bike and enjoy it and I've learned a lot from it.
The only thing left in the way is deciding to sell the truck and use the money for the bike or hold off and save up the money from the job, keeping the truck and get the bike as well (might not have enough money to pay for insurance on both vehicles though). Also I need to get a quote from State Farm for it. Obviously this is all after I get my license.
I hope to learn more from the forum and its members and I can't wait to start riding!
Hello everyone, My name is Chris and I am from Morgantown, WV. I took the MSF course about 2 years ago, but I just now purchased my first bike. It is a blue 2009 FZ6R that I believe I got an excellent deal on. I am picking it up on Friday as that is the next good day of weather around here. I was just browsing the internet and happened to come across this forum, so I figured it would be a good place to get a start on things with my new bike....
Eric from Dallas Tx

Got my FZ6R about 3 weeks ago and I love it. I started riding with my step dad who has a FJR1300 and a 106ci Victory. I grew up riding Yamaha's and I love em. We also have a Raptor 700, a Rhino 660, and a boat and jet ski. Toys are fun!
Welcome to another new member from the great state of Texas. Enjoy the bike,the forum and the great people on this site.:wav:
:welcome: to all our newest members!!
Welcome and ride safely everyone. ^_^

Hi all, I live in the UK and own a 2010 XJ6S, I wish they hadn't called it the Diversion over here but ah, too late! I bought it in March last year but have only just found your forum whilst looking for a hugger to keep the rear clean, as you can see from the pictures it is Lava Red which is definately the best colour and the only one you should buy!!! Ha ha, sorry couldn't resist that! Anyway I'm glad I've found this forum, Ride safe. David
Welcome! Glad to have you here :D
Hello everyone, My name is Jason i am from Claremont NewHampshire USA, I am currently without a bike for two years now, I am moving from kawasaki Vulcan 750n to a sport bike, i've been looking real hard at the ninja 650r and the Yamaha FZ6r, real similar bikes from what i have read, but i like a few more things about the Yamaha. Back on topic: just thought id say hey.
Hi everyone. My name is Kevin and I'm a 28 year old bartender from MD. I currently live in Bethesda, just outside DC. I had never even sat on a motorcycle before taking the MSF course in December.

For awhile now, especially last summer, I have been growing more and more interested in getting a bike. I would drive to work with the windows down in my car and wonder why I wasn't zipping up the pavement, feeling the air flow freely around me. I was sort of becoming obsessed with getting a bike, but couldn't afford to really even take it seriously.

Then, out of nowhere, my father bought a Harley. He loves it. My mom loves riding on it, and so a family obsession was born. My mom decided she wanted a bike of her own, so she signed up for the MSF course, which I had been talking about for months at this point. She wanted someone to take it with her, so she signed up... my sister! I was outraged! I think they totally forgot about me wanting to get into riding, but offered to pay for me to take the course with them, so I happily did, this past December.

Then my mom happened across an amazing deal for a great bike (a high end Honda), and shortly thereafter my sister got one as well. I soon realized that this was never going to be just my thing, but that it definitely runs in the family.

I got my beautiful blue '09 FZ6R on Saturday, and rode it for the first time around my parents' residential neighborhood in the afternoon. I've never felt so free. It is staying in their garage (about an hour away from my apartment) until it gets (and stays) warm. I wanted to ride so badly all day today, and look forward to being a rider the rest of my life.

I extend my personal thanks to the admins of the site for creating the forum.

Great story Hungry. Congrats on the bike and welcome to the forum!

Ride safely :)
