New member welcome thread

Another New Owner

Hey guys,

Glad to be here. Just picked up a new to me low mileage 2009 FZ6R. The guy is going to drop it off tomorrow and we'll finalize the paperwork. Just finished my MSF and looking forward to going for a ride.
Hey there everyone
Im Andrew from NSW Australia, had my FZ6R for bout 6 months now, soooooo happy with the bike, just not happy with the law, i currently have to just look an her in the shed since i lost my licence for 3 months :( !!!!
Big Grin won't go away

Sweet Busa,I love the sound those things make. Kind of like a mad thunder storm. Too much bike for me! Your girl is going like the 6R.

You could not be more right -- I can't stop smiling I'm so in like with that bike! When we were at the dealer, we were sizing me on the SV650. They had the Ninja, the SV and the FZ6R lined up together. We hadn't even considered the FZ6R, but when I sat on all three it was just like the three little bears. The SV650 was too far forward, the Ninja was too upright, and the FZ6R fit juuuuuuust right!!

GixerHP brought her down just in time for the long weekend and I couldn't be more thrilled. All I can do is rave about how much I like this bike, how good it feels to ride etc etc. Of course it didn't make it to my home from his still stock!

Re: the thunderstorm sound... my nephew did double over laughing at the sound of the FZ6R starting vs. GixerHp's Busa. I had to laugh too.

I am a happy girl with my yaMOOha :D
Hi all,

After getting rid of my Honda VF500F Interceptor 20 years ago, I'm looking for a new motorcycle.

I've recently completed the MSF Basic Rider Course, got my "M" endorsement and got a full complement of safety gear. If money and experience were no object, I would get a Triumph Street Triple today - but I don't think jumping on an expensive, high-performance motorcycle would be the wisest move for me.

Instead, I'm looking for an entry-level naked sport bike. Since choices in this category are pretty limited in the USA, I'm expanding my search towards other non-supersport middleweights. I've been considering the following models:

Kawasaki 250R
Kawasaki 650R
Kawasaki ER-6n (most serious about this one)
Suzuki Gladius
Suzuki SV650

I honestly wasn't even looking at any Yamaha offerings because I didn't want a "rev-happy" inline-4 with a bunch of bodywork. After reading some reviews on the FZ6R, I'm changing my tune. I'm also looking at the FZ6 but the FZ6R looks like a better bike for this novice. I'll be heading to a Yamaha dealer this week to look at the R.

I'm looking for used but am seriously considering buying new. With a new bike, unknowns about the history and condition of the machine would be one less thing to worry about and I could focus on growing as a rider.

I'm looking forward to the adventure!
name is scott....bought my fz new in feb 09 and in th usaf and currently reside in FL...been riding for about 10 yearsnon an off road.cheers
Timms here, the newest member hailing from VA. Just a quick hello to all the members and a big THANK YOU for the wealth of information available on the site.

I purchased a 2010 Blue FZ6R from the dealership 3 weeks ago to the day. I lucked out that one had come in from the warehouse, as the blue was the color I was dying to have. I can't say enough great things about the bike, fits me perfect, handles great, more power than I need at this time (1st bike), and man...she's SEXY:D.
Hello guys,

Khoa here from Philadelphia, PA. Just bought a 2011 FZ6R (Reddish/Raven) today. Gets delivered Tuesday! It'll be my first bike so I'll have it for years to come. A little bit about me: Sport Management major (graduated last June) and I currently work at Daddis Fight Camps (MMA gym) in hopes of one day competing professionally. I'm a huge sports fan, and although I'm new to bikes, I'm willing to learn anything and everything from everyone else's experiences!
Hey All,

Name is Tim. I'm currently having fun in the sand but I'm saving the money I'm making while playing in the sand to buy a Reddish Copper 2011 FZ6R later this summer. It's been about 15 years since I've ridden a bike regularly and it was a dirtbike. I don't feel old enough for a cruiser and I'm too much of an adrenaline junky and thrill seeker to jump on a super sport. My employer requires me to take all the safety courses before riding a bike so I plan on taking those as soon as I get out of the sandbox. I'm definitely enjoying browsing the forums. They're really informative and have helped me make up my mind on the FZ6R instead of a Ninja or SV650 or even the new Interceptor.
Hi all just joined

I may be switching over to the dark side. I just bought a 2010 FZ6R. I however strated out on a Harley and I can't believe how light the bike is and how quick it responds to handleing input. The only thing I am a little disappointed in is the power, but with a couple of tweaks I may get over that and I am also not a fan of the high revving engine but I may get used to it after a while. I keep wanting to shift at 7 grand instead of the after the power band at 10,000 Or at least that is where it feels to be at to me by the seat of my pants. (which is the best way to determine horse power by the way :p ) I look forward to with you guys and seeing your tweaks mods, and of course all the good stories?

Welcome to all the new folks :) Hope you all enjoy your 6Rs and let us know how we can be of assistance!

Take care and ride safe :)
Hey all, picked up my 2011 FZ6R a couple weeks ago. It's the copper/black one. All stock.

My name is Corey, I'm 16, and live in Florida. Ive put on a little over 700 miles on her since I got her. I love the bike.



Hey there. I'm Jacque (just say it like you would "Jackie" lol)

I'm from the St. Louis area. Just got my '11 Copper Raven "Fizzy Sixxer" in March. He's a beauty! Yeah, I refer to my ride as a "He" since I'm a gal.

My brother handed down his Honda XR-75 to me when I was 12 or so... therefore motocross was my first love. Only raced amateur a couple of years, and then just last summer dated a guy and rode on the back of his BMW GS Adventure. That's all it took, and the quest began for my own street ride.

So... I'm new to the streets and new to this forum. Already did some mods and just ordered an integrated tail light and FE kit. Searching for some flush mounts and slick mirrors with integrated lights, so suggestions are appreciated!

Where did you happen to get your frame sliders? and how much if you dont mind me asking?
