Need to find this bastard in SoCal!


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5 dead in crash involving 7 motorcycles - U.S. news - Life -

OCOTILLO, Calif. — Five people were killed Saturday in a head-on crash involving seven motorcycles and two passenger cars on a rural road near Ocotillo, 80 miles east of San Diego, the California Highway Patrol said.

The driver of the car believed to have caused the crash got away unscathed, officials said.
CHP officer Deeann Goudie, the first emergency responder on the scene, called the crash "one of the most traumatic I've seen" in 23 years with the CHP.
Besides the fatalities, five people were injured, Goudie said. Four with serious injuries were airlifted out by two helicopters to trauma centers in San Diego, she said.

The crash apparently was caused by an impatient driver of a gold Honda Civic, Goudie said.
She described the 1 p.m. accident:
Twelve motorcycles in a group were eastbound on lightly traveled, two-lane Highway 98, which runs parallel with the U.S.-Mexico border and has a 65 mph speed limit.

The Civic driver came up behind the motorcyclists and made an unsafe pass. The westbound driver of a white Dodge Avenger, facing the Honda, took evasive action and swerved right into the path of the oncoming motorcycles.
A female Avenger passenger died when a motorcyclist went right through the front passenger door of the car, Goudie said. The Avenger driver was among those airlifted to a hospital.
Identities of the fatalities were not released pending notification of family, she said.
Imperial County fire Captain Peter Stanton told the San Diego Union-Tribune that two men and two women on motorcycles were the other fatalities.
Authorities are searching for the Honda Civic, estimated to be a 1995-2000 model, driven by a man wearing a baseball cap.

Goudie said the Civic driver may face charges depending on the outcome of the crash investigation.

Goudie said besides the CHP, the U.S. Border Patrol, the Bureau of Land Management, the local sheriff's office and fire department responded to the scene.
She advise drivers to be patient and not to pass in unsafe ways.

7 Bikes, 5 fatalities.
yea that sucks big time.... but the driver should of swerved to the right not to good to smash into bunch of motorcycles.

when i am driving and see wacked drivers they are usally driving hondas for some strange reason.
Might just be a guard rail to a cliff... Seriously, when I'm in a cage I can wait because I have ac, heater, cup holders etc...

Surprised the avenger didn't play chicken, the chances of survival on a head-on collision from a car instead of a bike are higher imo.
I heard they found him and that he was a drunk but that's just word of mouth I haven't looked on the news so might be false

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this is rediculous but this kinda stuff happens all the time just dosent make headlines as often...... I agree this guy is responsible for 5 deaths, thats 5 people who were someones father, mother, sister, son, brother, and so on, this affected much more than just those people. I just hope they remember that when they do catch that prick!!!

People get away with way too much now a days! Drunk drivers are the prime example, so many chances to ruin someone elses life and the courts just keep letting it happen because "they have rights too".... imo they gave those rights up when they did the deed. Just a slap on the wrist and on their way

Heard this on NPR this am getting ready for my am ride... Was angry, sad, frustrated, and frightened all at the same time. Very unnerving news and condolences to all the families... Some assholes don't deserve to drive and have no concern over human lives... Sigh

That said, sometimes bikers do the same thing... Just last week two Harleys made dangerous passes crossing DY on blind turns cuz they were too impatient to wait. Yes there was a mini-van and some cars going kinda slow down the mountain and slowing traffic for everyone. Yes it sucks... But you know what, that's life... Another cruiser and I were stuck behind them too and we just sucked it up and rode safely behind the line in formation. Those Harley guys could've caused a major accident, killed themselves, killed or hurt others too...

Asswipes come in all size & shapes
I admit that my friend and I do do this from time to time on our bikes but I take caution of course, we both don't cross on DOTTED when we can't see how much distance we have. I'm more scared than he is as he's an older guy so he's had more experience then me.

Needless to say, we watch what we're doing and don't do stupid stuff.
Goudie said the Civic driver may face charges depending on the outcome of the crash investigation.

MAY?????? :mad::mad::mad::mad:
Trying to pass 12 motorcycles while there is oncoming traffic... His/Her illegal pass resulted in multiple deaths and injuries. Yes, the other driver could have maybe swerved the other direction, but that isn't the point. True there may be more to the story... but from what the witness stated, it seems it is the Civic's fault and they should be held completely responsible for all deaths and injuries. Just plain sucks for the people and families...
the injuries aside, my guess is these types of 'hit and run' accidents- if u can call it that- happen all the time... ie, another driver does "something" that either spooks, shocks, or threatens another driver directly. and, the driver either over-reacts, under-reacts, or lacks the emergency driving skills to properly handle the situation and loses control, like in this instance.

the driver's intention was to swerve right- which he did. the article says he probably turned so hard that the car felt like it was going to tip over. so, then he pulled it left to try to compensate and lost control.

Well this is just bad on all levels then... The Civic that started the chain reaction and the drunk guy that actually hit the bikes! They both need to be held responsible.

yah. a lotta comments on yahoo are ppl saying that the avenger driver isn't liable at all. but, i have to disagree with that point of view to some small degree...

yes. ultimately, the civic driver caused the accident and is at fault and is to blame... but, one could still argue had the avenger not even have been there or had maneuvered differently or maneuvered better, then there would've be no accident to speak of either. so, to say he was 100% not at fault doesn't completely sit right with me either...

now, if the civic hit him first, and then pushed him into the motorcycles, it would be a completely different story. but, that didn't exactly happen. what did happen is the the avenger driver reacted to what he saw, mis-maneuvered, lost control, and "his" car plowed into those bikers and killed those people- killing them, and his own wife in the process. he could've just as easily chosen to just roll his car off the shoulder. but he did not.

that's not to say that any of us would've or could've done anything differently necessarily had it been us in his shoes.

i dunno... this is a tough one and probably going to get debated backwards and forwards. but, until they catch the civic driver, i doubt the DA's going to prosecute the avenger driver...

sad no matter how you slice it. :(
