Need someone to go in on a projector with me


New Member
Hey Guys,

My frustration with DDM has skyrocketed and made me reconsider an HID.

I'm looking to buy the projector kit like 99vengeur has. The kit is below and comes with 2 of everything (per 99vengeur). I'll gladly order it and ship to another person (after payment via paypal) or have another person order it, pay them (via paypal) and have them ship it to me.

H4 9003 Bi-xenon projector HID CONVERSION Kit Hi/Lo New - eBay (item 140358572617 end time May-08-10 01:37:26 PDT)

If anyone is interested please let me know. If I send you payment please don't burn me.;)
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i don't get it.....
you don't like ebay??
i don't get it.....
you don't like ebay??

no no no. Ebay is just fine.

I just don't need 2 of everything. 99vengeur said that the ebay kit comes with 2 of everything.

instead of spending $150 and having another complete set leftover, i'd rather go half and half with someone. i pay 75 and they pay 75 and then we would just split the kit up.

make sense?
Just curious, do the DDM HIDs have bad output on the bike? They're pretty good in my car...
Just curious, do the DDM HIDs have bad output on the bike? They're pretty good in my car...

I don't think so. They've just effed me over twice now and for an extra $25 -$30 i'd rather get a projector
no no no. Ebay is just fine.

I just don't need 2 of everything. 99vengeur said that the ebay kit comes with 2 of everything.

instead of spending $150 and having another complete set leftover, i'd rather go half and half with someone. i pay 75 and they pay 75 and then we would just split the kit up.

make sense?

i guess it would have made more sense if i didn't skip over a whole sentence. :cool:
Did they send you a freebie? So now you have 2 for the price of one?

They didn't send him a freebie he is sayin when you buy that kit you get 2 of everything and he wants to split the cost with someone who wants one so it's cheaper for both parties.

I'd be interested but I'd have no clue how to hook it up and I don't wanna mess somethin up if I tried to. And idk anyone local who
could help install it for me so idk
I have the bulb, and I appreciate your offer. Every since seeeing the projector project i've been bouncing back and forth and with this happening to me again i've just decided to say "F" it all and go the projector route. it's not worth taking time off work and riding 40 minutes down in traffic and another 40 minutes back up...

plus the way things seem to be going with them i'd never get the part to replace the one you gave me!!
I'd be interested but I'd have no clue how to hook it up and I don't wanna mess somethin up if I tried to. And idk anyone local who
could help install it for me so idk

It truly is simple to hook everything up. It is almost entirely plug-n-play.

I am fighting with my bathroom remodel, but as soon as I get it done, you guys will get a how-to on doing the projector retrofit. I promise! :eek:
It truly is simple to hook everything up. It is almost entirely plug-n-play.
I'll ride all the way to LA on my bike and you can install it for me then? :p haha

I may just have to take you up on that offer when I get the time. I'll PM you when my schdule free's up. Thank you!
