Need help hard wiring.

Michael Wilson

New Member
So after recieving a VERY expensive speeding ticket I decided to get a radar detector my bike. Im not very familar with the wiring system on our bikes. My goal is to hard wire my radar detector so that it will turn off when the bike is off. Whats the best way to do this? I know I would wire it right to the battery and just install a switch but I prefer not to. Any suggestions or links will be very helpful! Please include picutures and simple explinations =)
Get a relay. Wire the relay to the battery and then to something that will only come on when the key is turned. I used the tail light. Then run a switch from the relay to your radar detector. When the bike is on, you can turn the detector on and off, but when the bike is off, you cannot. This way if you forget to turn it off it will not drain your battery.

Picture courtesy of Fit:

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If you can wait a day or two I'm planning on posting a how to on how I wired up my circuit bar, which will allow you to easily power any gadget.

Cliff notes on how to do what you want, is you'll need to go to Radio Shack and get a 12V relay, connect it to the battery, and connect your radar detector to the relay.

thanks man! I'll wait a couple days to check it out =)
Dude just buy a battery powered radar detector...
If you can wait a day or two I'm planning on posting a how to on how I wired up my circuit bar, which will allow you to easily power any gadget.

Cliff notes on how to do what you want, is you'll need to go to Radio Shack and get a 12V relay, connect it to the battery, and connect your radar detector to the relay.

Looking forward to seeing that, would be a big help.
Dude just buy a battery powered radar detector...

1. I enjoy a challenge.

2. The style I wanted doesnt come battery powered.
Any updates?

Also, are radar detectors effective? I don't drive like a jackass but will sometimes accidently creep over 85 on the freeway and don't even realize it untill a cop is behind me
