need help finding a seat from euro.

See red

New Member
I am looking at your seats and loving them. I want to know some dealers somewhere that I can purchase one. I don't dis-like our two seat set up but like the more traditional touring seat.

Any of you willing to sell one of yours? Or have any dealers that you would buy from?
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no offense taken, I did use the interwebz thingy...... I didn't want a corbin. I would have not bothered with a european dealer request other wise. But it's good to know your comprehension skills are astute, or is it you couldn't read the whole question????

Think he wants the stock XJ/diversion/whatever model it is in other countries seat. It is a one piece seat rather than our 2 pieces (front and rear).
wow..... so much for being helpful.... lmao!

This was rude...

No offence ment but try using that internet thingy. ;)

Corbin Motorcycle Seats & Accessories | Yamaha FZ6R Motorcycles | 800-538-7035

Or hell, talk to Marthy. He would probably make you one from scratch just for the challange. :D

He was just trying to be helpful. A healthy "bump" might have been better. I'm sorry nobody answered your question, it happens, we have lives. We help because we're good people, not because we have to. There have been threads about this in the past so you should have included that you tried the search feature.

The only "one seater type" is the XJ6 diversion, and someone has done a conversion if I'm not mistaken. I don't have the link but maybe someone else does. Maybe someone will be kind enough to share it...

Here is a start:

This is FZ6R seats on an XJ6 though...
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I read the thread where they converted the seat. I also saw all their photos, and I would love to get one of the diversion seats as it is pretty close to the futura seats. I also just wanted to know of a reliable or dealer that people are using.

I wasn't trying to be ultimately rude, but I do know how to use the "search" function, I do check the internet, I was only posting in this particular spot because I would have thought that this section would at least know the local dealers.

Again, I am not TRYING to be rude or abrasive, I just read that way.
