My days of solo riding are over


New Member
So after having my bike for a month, I felt comfortable enough to put my wife on it. This is the fist time my wife has EVER ridden a motorcycle. The first leg of our ride was pretty tedious as it was also my first time with a passenger. After taking it slow and easy and just enjoying the scenery on a 2 hour ride we got back home. Before I even had the kickstand down she was asking to go ride some more.

Needless to say she's been bitten by the bug and I don't think I'll be going joyriding alone anymore.

I love the fact that she loves riding as much as I do. This just means I have another thing that I can enjoy with my wife.

Not sure how you guys feel about riding with your wife/GF, but I love it. :rockon:
I would love to ride with my GF on the back, but my wife would object.:D Enjoy it,there is nothing better than riding with a gal on behind you. My wife don't care for bikes and that's just fine with me.
I would love to ride with my GF on the back, but my wife would object.:D


I am glad to include my wife, and take her for a ride whenever she asks. I am shopping for a bike for her, though. My bike isn't ideal for 2-up riding, and I don't want to get an FJR just for the 5 or 6 times she wants to go out. I'd rather find her an inexpensive bike so that when we do go she can stand more then 45 minutes at a time.
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No passenger seat no more here :)
I made the mistake of buying her all the gear to ride and told her I would take to lunch some time and now she won't stop asking to ride. She's tiny so it hardly feels any different which is nice. I wouldn't like 2x my weight on there. But an extra 100 pounds isn't so bad
I 've been riding two up 90% of the time since day1 and aside from the seat being extremely uncomfortable for the passenger during trips lasting 45+min, i have no complaints whatsoever. I also have the Givi V35s on it and took a 160mile trip to RhodeIsland not too long ago. Bike obviously feels a lot heavier but the experience is absolutely funtastic!
I can't stand wife on the back, she's a nervous twitchy driver, and it carried over to riding... had her with me two times and both times she's just bouncing everywhere, grabbing the crap out of me "afraid" of every little move... it just felt wrong to me...

Would love her to get a bike, but like I said, she's bad enough with four wheels and a cage, even she doesn't want to get one, have tried to get some of the girls I ride with to peak her interest, but she's just not into it, so my riding time is my away time.

My wife is like Dart's....
She actually leans in the opposite derection during a turn. She thinks she is going to fall. But that's odd because in college she did fine riding 2 up.
But when she took me to pick up the FZ6R she saw the Goldwings and wants one so she can be more comfortable....
My wife is like Dart's....
She actually leans in the opposite derection during a turn. She thinks she is going to fall. But that's odd because in college she did fine riding 2 up.
But when she took me to pick up the FZ6R she saw the Goldwings and wants one so she can be more comfortable....

For the first few rides my wife was doing the same thing with leaning. If we were going through a left hand turn she would lean a little to the right because she said it "Felt right". I had to explain to her how it's not about what "feels right" to her, but how it feels to me driving. Together we did a little research on proper passenger riding techniques, and now that she is informed she is riding properly by looking over my shoulder in the direction of the turn. I can already tell a huge difference. And if she refused to ride properly I wouldn't take her riding. Her feeling comfortable isn't worth the risk of both of us going down. Luckily she's really understanding.
I can't stand wife on the back, she's a nervous twitchy driver, and it carried over to riding... had her with me two times and both times she's just bouncing everywhere, grabbing the crap out of me "afraid" of every little move... it just felt wrong to me...

Would love her to get a bike, but like I said, she's bad enough with four wheels and a cage, even she doesn't want to get one, have tried to get some of the girls I ride with to peak her interest, but she's just not into it, so my riding time is my away time.

My wife is like Dart's....
She actually leans in the opposite derection during a turn. She thinks she is going to fall. But that's odd because in college she did fine riding 2 up.
But when she took me to pick up the FZ6R she saw the Goldwings and wants one so she can be more comfortable....


Didn't realize I posted twice.....
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j/k Snotrod

My wife hates motorcycles ... :-(

As a matter of fact, we're passing for a difficult phase in our marriage and my accident and motorcycles has a lot to do.

Having said that, I am glad she likes it. I think that will make your bond with her stronger and will help your wife to understand why riding is so nice, the feeling, the bug.

If possible and you have the resources, take a MSF course for riding with passengers, I think it is available. Back in time when I took mine, some instructors were teaching that advance course; not sure if MSF official course, but it focus on the passenger and how she (or he) needs to ride or position his body to facilitate the riding at curves, etc.
