miles, mileage, and well more miles.


New Member
just curious about how many miles everybodys bikes have, what kind of mileage they're getting, and how many miles on a daily commute or rid

i got my '12 on may 5 and just hit 2,000 miles today. not bad for less than two months. i'm loving this thing so far.i commute 60 miles a day and am surprisingly getting about 51.5 miles to the gallon :thumbup:
I got my '12 in early May too. Have about 1200 miles on it. If I commute on it (about 3-4 days a week), it's 20 miles total. I get a steady 49-51 MPG.
Picked my bike up first week in April and I clicked over 4200 miles today. my commute is about 50 miles a day my average for millage is about 47 to 50 mpg.
Got my bike in May 2012 and I'm just shy of 10,000 miles. I don't commute on my bike as being in construction requires the transport of tools though. All of those miles are either running errands, visiting my parents, or canyons on the weekends. I get about 38 mpg weighing in at 240 lbs fully geared.
got my bike last year, 12 june, 155521 miles avg 40 mpg commute to work is 10 miles. recreational fun is fun
I got my bike in May of this year but only have about 1800 miles on it and only get at best 46 mpg. Over this last weekend I really beat on it and checked at a fill up at was at 43 mpg.

I don't rack up the miles fast due to the fact I don't ride in the rain and I do live in Seattle plus I have my son every other weekend and the bike is parked when he is with me.

Not sure how people are getting 50 + mpg but it may something to do with all the hills in my area and the ethanol gas I run.
well, I'm 6'1"... and I do not tuck in all the time... I did experiment, if I tuck under the windscreen and keep my arms in, I can get to the 48mpg range... but I usually sit up, big wind break, not aerodynamic, so I get the low 40s. Aero drag is a big factor, weight second... and yes, pure gas is better

I'm only 5'7" 180 and the only time I tuck is on the freeway above 70, I don't so alot of freeway though.
Got my 2013 on may 13. It has 450 miles on it. I commute 0 miles as I only have a permit and I can guess at low to mid 40's on mpg.

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
im 6 foot and 220 and am still getting the 50 mpg. glad to see everyone is puttin lots of miles on this bike though. now i believe that its a trooper and can take a beating
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I stopped keeping track of my MPG.

I do 40 miles a day. My 11 has 16,3xx. Bought her new in feb of 2012.
On my second set of tires still, only got a few thousand miles on the replacement chain, just did iridium plugs, k&n air/oil filter, and Mobile1 synthetic oil change.
I'm 6' and about 160'ish, got my '13 in Feb of this year. I got 5500 miles on it so far and only bothered to track about 1500 via fuelly. Which tells me of those miles I'm about 46MPG.
My commute is about 25 miles 1 way and all interstate... doing 80+ I'm sure my MPG is lower, more near 40mpg.
