Laid the bike down for the first time....

I have some sort of bad news...

I believe my right wrist is still injured. I'm not sure how that can be? I notice more and more I get pain if I use a mouse on a computer for extended periods of times and it hurts just at the bending point on my wrist... This is the exact spot I fell on my hand when I laid the bike down and had soreness for the whole day.

I'm not really sure what to do about it, but I'm going to get it checked out. I hope it's not permanent :(.
Would a pulled muscle take 4 months to heal? The pain is in the inner side of my wrist, exactly where I fell on it. It's not all the time, but mostly get's agitated if I use a mouse.

Depending on how bad it is muscle sprains/strains can take longer than tears to heal.
I have had a strained bicep for the last 5-6 weeks and it has only gotten worse because its my dominant arm. Best thing you can do is rest and ice. But I would get it looked at by a professional, may need an x-ray or MRI to see if there is anatomical or muscular damage.
