Laid the bike down for the first time....

Next time I won't haul ass around a corner lol. I probably was doing 35mph or so... I tried to hug the inside of the corner as best as I could while adding more throttle...

I fell right where the last car is in the jug handle and slid right into the curb you can see in the photo.

Lesson learned... I need track experience too.... I feel like I don't know enough about proper body position.

Go into corners wide.

If you go in tight you've got no room to lean. You stay out wide, keep it smooth and just look through the corner, not the apex.

It gives a better sight line, gives you room to pull it tighter if you need to and drastically decreases the lean angle you need to get around it.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Sorry to hear about the mishap and glad you're ok. Hope you get the bike all fixed up very soon...

If the rear slid then the rear tire lost traction somehow. This can happen if you lock the rear wheel, hit the rear brake too hard, or leaned over too far...

Most likely it's the second though. I've learned that it's so easy to hit the rear too hard. (Even just power shifting too fast can cause the rear to kic out.)

MSF teaches us to use front n rear brakes together equally, but in practice I've learned this is not always safe.

Rev matching while braking and brake control are really, really important... In general, i find that its safer to tap the rear brake to scrub off speed, but to squeeze the front.

If we had ABS & DSC this would be less of a concern... The type of surface makes a difference too. Never ever step on the rear brake on gravel or sand or you be on your butt faster than you can blink. LOL. >_<

Insurance just called me. They said I have a $500 deductible, but I also have $2,000 in accessory damage (helmet, gloves, etc.)

I'm going to bring it to a Yamaha dealer in NJ that is a level Pro dealer.

If they are going to cover all the accessories and bike damage, I might as well get the dealer to write up a list with ALL accessories on the bike to replace everything that's necessary.
My insurance didn't cover any upgrades to the bike so I lost $4800.00 when they totaled the bike. They also didn't include the upgrades when they valued the bike so the fair market value was without the upgrades. They told me to go and pull off what I could but they won't let you do that at a dealership where the bike repair was estimated. Insurance won't cover a customer working on a bike with tools. So I got totally screwed by AAA as they wouldn't move the bike to where I could take off the parts. The bike went straight to the auction where the bike was sold and the parts pulled and sold. We aren't allowed to even buy or bid on the bike as we don't have a special license to attend the auction.

On a good note, they did replace any damaged gear as in helmet, jacket, pants, boots, cam.....
Glad to hear you didn't get hurt and that's awesome that you only have to pay $500 for repairs. 3 weeks ago I laid down my bike as well. I was wearing full gear so I still managed to walk away with scraped knees through my jeans and a huge bruise on my butt cheek but nothing serious, :zombie: haha. Only paid $350 deductible for $2000+ worth of damage to the bike. Not too bad. Now I'm back on my bike with a new found respect for it and loving every moment of it! :thumbup:
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate it!! It's too bad we don't have crash bars... I really want to learn how to ride better, but It's unfortunate it comes with a risk of falling.

By the way, my helmet took VERY VERY light scratches to the rear vent and the side. Insurance said they would replace it, but I'm not sure if it's worth the effort in doing so?

I didn't whip my head back when I fell, I slightly went back and then naturally curled my head and upper body up a little.

Maybe replacing it is the best thing to do? I'm not sure...
YES....your rates will go up if you are "at fault"......
They automatically said I was at fault. I only told them I went around a corner and I must have slid on something. That's completely unfair. I didn't indicate any rider element was involved in the accident.

Does anyone know how much insurance goes up by?
It depends on the insurance company and what they had to pay out.

I was paying about 1000 a year for full coverage on a truck and the FZ6R with 500 deductable on the truck and 100 on the FX6R. They totaled the bike and because there was no other vehicles involved and the Highway patrol didn't indicate anything like sand or oil on the roadway, I was at fault. The insurance on the truck alone at the same coverage went up to almost 1400 a year. Almost 45% increase with AAA.

I insured my new motorcycle with Geico and will drop coverage to PL and PD on the truck when I renew.

They want to be reimbursed for their payout. They think the insurance premium is to cover their cost of writing the policy and administering it and you get charged considerably more for 3 to 5 years to make up for the payout.

I'd expect a 35 to 45% increase in insurance rates. Going to another insurance company won't help as you already have the accident as "your fault" and they will charge more to insure you.
I think the insurance is in my dads name. I'd have to check. It's done through a BMW Dealer where my dad purchased his bike.

So basically, I shouldn't claim anything if I can repair the bike for under $500?

I mean, I'll tough it out and re-buy my gear if that's the case. Why damage out $680 worth of clothing and $250-$500 worth of bike repairs if I can pay just the bike repair myself and null out the claim?
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I think the insurance is in my dads name. I'd have to check. It's done through a BMW Dealer where my dad purchased his bike.

So basically, I shouldn't claim anything if I can repair the bike for under $500?

I mean, I'll tough it out and re-buy my gear if that's the case. Why damage out $680 worth of clothing and $250-$500 worth of bike repairs if I can pay just the bike repair myself and null out the claim?

If you already told the insurance company, the barn door is open and the cows are out already. Too late...
Insurance called me back. They said they can do a free estimate and not pursue the claim if I wanted.....

So, I'll see how much damage I need to fix.
[ame=]Close Calls Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

Can someone please tell me why these bikes in this clip are having that sudden "blip" of movement?

I want to understand more why I did that exact same thing when I went down completely...
They are going past the grip of the tires from the looks of most of them. Many don't have proper position or aren't hanging off enough for the speed they are trying to take the turn at and lose their grip. And on a few it seems like a combination of the acceleration with it that is making the rear kick out

To me this looks like what happened to me... The rear gave out and just fell over...

I'm wonder what I can do if I get into trouble again?
