International Motorcycle Shows schedule


New Member
In case you haven't seen the schedule yet, here it is, for the International Motorcycle Show tour, in the U.S.:

International Motorcycle Shows |

(Check out the video on the "human motorcycles").
It's strange, but every year the show seems smaller. And, I've only gone 2 times since I started riding... lol
Indianapolis it is for me. Getting in and out of Chicago is just too much of a pain for me.
Damn, nothing too close to me except Seattle and I am not driving over the pass here in December.. :(
wtf is with the human motorcycle images....
Art brother... Art :D

Hey! I didnt know this motorcycle had a STICK shift!?!?! :eek::D

thats what I was thinking the whole time lol some of them are full on :leghump:
Long Beach show!

I will try to make it to the Long beach show.... there are tons of cali riders near L.A. area. we shoul all have meet up for the show???

I think that is a great idea! I been pondering who to take to the show, Being that my gf is not interested in motorcycle and all my friends, even those that rode bikes when they were youger, thinks i am crazy to start learing/riding bike (late 30's) at my age.

If we're meeting, keep me posted. I would love to see all the gadgets and new exotic bikes. Also, the bike models are always nice too see as well:eek:
Im not sure which day yet. Probably saturday. But kind of depends on my work schedule and who decides to come with me.

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I would tag along depending day.
