In Memory of Crazy Ivan


New Member
I have a bunch of friends from my riding club out in Colorado this week. Some of them trailered their bikes out there, one was already out there riding, and one left on her bike to meet up with the group a day or two into their trip.

I got the call very late last night...

Even though the story has been told to me over and over again, I'm still not even sure what happened. It doesn't really matter.

All I know is that yesterday afternoon, one of my friends ended up off the road in a ditch which resulted in a horrible crash, and she passed away shortly after.

It really really really sucks. She was probably the coolest chic I knew. And she was a really good rider. And now she's gone.

If I understand correctly, FZ6R-forum member Heinekin was riding with/behind her and was there by her side at the scene of the accident. I don't know how much he wants to talk about it; I haven't even had a chance to talk to him yet.

I just keep thinking about how much this sucks. And I'm sad. Even though I hadn't known her before this summer -- we rode together just about every week. On long day trips and short trips out for a bite and a coke. We had shared some really fun experiences.

I saw a picture of her bike this morning... its awful. Totally ripped apart. My friends are on their way back home today. They should make it back to town by tomorrow. This whole thing really sucks.

Rest in Peace, Noelle.
Sorry to hear. My sympathies to you and their family.

Ride safe.

I am so terribly sorry to hear this :(
Extremely sorry for your loss.

My prayers go out to her family and friends, to you and to Heinekin. Keep your spirits up, I imagine it's what she would want.
I'm really sorry for your loss... :(

Everyone please ride safely...
I'm very sorry for the loss. It's so hard losing a friend..
Sorry for your loss,,, it is sad for all of us when a fellow motorcyclist is in a accident.God Bless .
My prayers are with the family and friends. So sad to hear.
I dont know about you guys/girls but whenever I a pass a downed rider on my bike, I'll go by simi-slow and hold down my horn. It is kinda my way of saying sorry.

This is by far a horn moment.

Prayers go out for her family and friends. :(
Thanks everyone, for all the sentiments. Her wake is Friday and the church service/funeral is Saturday, in Ohio. There are several of us from our riding group heading out there on Friday to pay our respects. I am very happy that her family has been so open to keeping us informed about the arrangements.
Tragic, I always hate to hear of the loss of a fellow rider.


Sorry for your loss, my thoughts and prayers go out to the family. R.I.P.
