I like to drift


Lord Humongous
Elite Member
Kids man... :spank: Oh well, at least you're okay. I hope that idiot at least realized he messed up and starts looking out after this.
I was on a two lane doing 60 one time and a gasoline tanker pulling a trailer started to pull out from a side road. Then he saw me and stopped. I gave him the "thanks mister for seeing me wave." sometimes they see you and sometimes they don't. I always assume they don't and have an escape path scoped out. Ride safe and have a great spring!
Glad the title wasn't "Glad I like to pick up my bike..."

Good to hear yer in one peice, and I hear ya about staying calm in the face of WTF. I had a similar experience whilst driving my cage down the highway at about 80. Dooder sideswiped, my car 180'd (I tried to counter-steer but that sooo wasn't happening.) then hit the side of the road and rolled 4 times. All I could think was "Why am I upside down...?"

The guy who hit me was hyperventilating so hard when he came up, he was in waaay worse shape than me. I was almost deathly calm about the whole situation. Weird, isn't it?
I was on my way home about 1/4 miles from my house approaching a 4 way intersection. I saw a woman playing with her phone approaching the intersection as well. She was coming from my left and turning onto the street I was currently on. The woman was so involved in her phone she made her turn in my lane just missing me by inches. When we made eye contact I realized it was my wife. No joke. I really hope she learned something.
I was on my way home about 1/4 miles from my house approaching a 4 way intersection. I saw a woman playing with her phone approaching the intersection as well. She was coming from my left and turning onto the street I was currently on. The woman was so involved in her phone she made her turn in my lane just missing me by inches. When we made eye contact I realized it was my wife. No joke. I really hope she learned something.

Oh man... if it was my girl. I would of tied her up, locked her in the.........never mind :rolleyes:
I was on my way home about 1/4 miles from my house approaching a 4 way intersection. I saw a woman playing with her phone approaching the intersection as well. She was coming from my left and turning onto the street I was currently on. The woman was so involved in her phone she made her turn in my lane just missing me by inches. When we made eye contact I realized it was my wife. No joke. I really hope she learned something.

bet she pissed herself. Hope you got lucky for a few weeks on that one. After the piss was cleaned up though lol
I was on my way home about 1/4 miles from my house approaching a 4 way intersection. I saw a woman playing with her phone approaching the intersection as well. She was coming from my left and turning onto the street I was currently on. The woman was so involved in her phone she made her turn in my lane just missing me by inches. When we made eye contact I realized it was my wife. No joke. I really hope she learned something.

Must have been awkward...
Unfortunately in NOVA, yes, we are that hard to see.
I was on my way home about 1/4 miles from my house approaching a 4 way intersection. I saw a woman playing with her phone approaching the intersection as well. She was coming from my left and turning onto the street I was currently on. The woman was so involved in her phone she made her turn in my lane just missing me by inches. When we made eye contact I realized it was my wife. No joke. I really hope she learned something.

I want to LoL at that, but somehow it just don't seem right...
Well it was kinda funny. Maybe thats why I didnt really get mad. Then again, it could have been a lot worse if I wasn't paying attention.
i was going on a 30mph road..nice little curvy thing, great view of the chesapeake bay. anyway, i there was a street to my right that had a very steep entrance/exit.

one car was entering the street, and another was exiting. the car entering obstructed me from the view of the exiting car. the exiting car slowly crept out, but did not stop moving even when i came into view (probably looking for cars from the other direction).

i had to swerve a little around him so i wouldnt get bumped. nothing too bad, but it's a reminder of how easy it is to not see us.

and gas stations..holy crap, people do not even think bikes are around ever (unless maybe you're a harley?)
Completely off topic but yeah that's another reason why I buy cheep tires, because I love locking the rear up and sliding it around. Anything under 40 is really controllable and fun to get the rear to slide out beside you. It's like when you were a kid on your huffy and trying to see who could make the longest black mark!!!

Not trying to start any debates here but I do think I get a bit more respect as well as room from cagers when I wear my hi-vis jacket compared to when I don't.

As a 45 plus year veteran of riding the streets,my advice would be, don't put false hope in hi-vis. Don't get me wrong it is probably a lot safer to wear the hi-vis but there is a lot more to survival. Leaving a cushion,having an instant escape path ready to execute at all times,defense folks defense. Ride safe my friends!
