I Finally Dropped My Bike


New Member
So stupid. Felt like a jackass. I was leaving a gas station in Oceanside. Getting ready to pull out and a car was coming fast so I stopped. Steep driveway (oops). Couldn't reach the ground (oh crap). Over I went like an idiot. Lol

Thankfully some guy ran over and helped me pick it up or I'd still be sitting there.

Double thankful for the frame sliders. That's all that got scratched and it went all the way down on it's side.

Other than that, I had an awesome ride today!
Thanks guys. I was laughing at myself and sorta kicking myself in the butt at the same time. Could imagine people shaking their heads saying "women drivers!" Lol

It least it took me five months to finally drop it.
Yea sorry to hear that but if your an idiot , that makes me one too. Got caught on an incline today and by the time my foot caught up to my brain I was rolling backwards. Didn't go down but had to have peeps laughing at me trying to get control. I know I would have been.
I have Shoguns. They were well worth the $90 or so I paid for them.

So stupid. Felt like a jackass. I was leaving a gas station in Oceanside. Getting ready to pull out and a car was coming fast so I stopped. Steep driveway (oops). Couldn't reach the ground (oh crap). Over I went like an idiot. Lol!


Sorry to hear you dropped your bike, but glad to hear the frame sliders saved the bike....yeah! I have them on my bike too.

I m only 5'2 and not flat footed on the bike. That is my fear too that will drop the bike when stopping somewhere in the mountain where the roads are very narrow and uneven. I m contemplating in getting the lowering link for the FZ6R!!! The challenges for vertical challenged riders like myself that loves to ride.

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