I Dropped it.


New Member
:( On the way outta school today, pooring rain. I have pics but dont know how to post them. i will email someone who can post them. just pm me. just a little description. pulled out of parking spot and when i straitened myself out i was going about 6 mph and when i let the clutch all the way out (msf trained,so slow) spun out and went sideways low side fall and threw me about 20 feet infront of the bike. rear brake smashed in under engine case, engine case gouged. right fender looking ruff and the front brake is so far under the grip i could barley reach it and there is a beautiful dent in the gas tank. anymore questions be sure to ask, and please someone see if they can post pics for me.
Ouch. Hope you are okay. Sounds like a lot of damage for 6 MPh. You can post pics down below where it says manage attachments.
i have something in both usb's but i will asap. 6 probably turned into 16 by time i hit the ground, honestly i lost it all in confusion but thats about my guess
that sucks! I bet it was going alot faster than 6mph once the clutch was dropped though, thats what caused the damage I bet, and it sounds like it fell HARD!

Would like to see pics, it does sound like quite a bit of damage :mad:

Remember to buy frame sliders even if you dont repair everything, they would of saved ALOT.

Also what do you mean by (msf trained, so slow)??
i meant i don't just drop the clutch, i slip it pretty conservatively. before i even picked it up off the ground. i was thinking i wished i had frame sliders. haha. i promise pics are coming. in my bookbag was my external hard drive and its all but crushed so im getting everything off of it i can, which seems to be alot, about 165 gigs outta 180. about 40 more mins.

Here's what you've been waiting for. any questions feel free to ask, anty requests for more pics i can do that too.

p.s. that dent in the gas tank or rather the paint cut is about 3 inches long


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At least the left side is alright!
i cant believe how messed up the tank got.

havent been out in the rain yet. somewhat glad after seeing what you went through.
I ride in the rain all the time, I even have been at a closed road track in the rain.. I thought I was able to push it pretty hard in the rain.. But I guess in 1st gear its a different story..

damage doesnt look two bad... but the tank will be a PITA to fix.. The other stuff is easy to come buy..

You should check out the thread about the guy who crashed his bike then painted it all flat black, it looks pretty sweet!
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Man that sucks. Sorry to hear it bro. Parts don't look like it will be that costly to fix except for that gas tank. I bent my clutch lever and clutch pedal when the bike fell over one day. It wasn't too bad for me to fix it. It really sucked since the bike was so new for me. I would def get some frame sliders in case it ever happens again. Better to be on the safe side.
I ride in the rain all the time, I even have been at a closed road track in the rain.. I thought I was able to push it pretty hard in the rain.. But I guess in 1st gear its a different story..

damage doesnt look two bad... but the tank will be a PITA to fix.. The other stuff is easy to come buy..

You should check out the thread about the guy who crashed his bike then painted it all flat black, it looks pretty sweet!

i've been in the rain probably 20 times never a problem this time, something was different. insurance will take a look at her soon. Anyone wanna try and guess the exact amount of damage? or if they total it?
Sorry to hear about the fall. Sometimes it just happens so fast and you can't even begin to understand why. Don't beat yourself up trying to figure out exactly what happened. Just put it in the past and move on. From the damage, it looks like the bike took a dive and forced the right side of the handlebar back into the tank, leaving a nice crease. Get it fixed up and get back to riding.

I, too, ride in the rain all the time. The bike is really pretty stable at highway speeds in the rain, and even heavy wind and strong wind gusts.
Yeah i meant to say that too. im fine, i had on my motoboss riding jacket + my rain jacket, i did have on chaki pants but damn my rain pants are thick haha. i have a pretty knarly bruise on my elbow and hip and the whole right side of my body is sore. nothing to bad tho. WEAR YOUR GEAR ALL THE TIME i go to school 3 miles from my house and im glad i was decked out in gear, Whats the "rule" on new helmets? its got a gash in it but it isn't cracked, should i look at a new one?


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That's a bummer! If it makes you feel better, about 3 years ago I too crashed my bike. I picked it up and rode it home despite some serious personal injuries. I spent the winter fixing it (and myself) back to showroom condition. All-in-all the experience made me a better and smarter rider. I wouldn't recommend the experience to anyone, but since it has happened, make it a positive and move on. With the exception of your bike and pride, I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt. Like others have said, bikes can be fixed, they're just things. Let us know how the repairs go.
Always replace the helmet after something like this. It sucks because those Scorpion helmets are nice.
Sorry to hear about the off! Glad to hear you're OK!!!

Rule of the helmet is replace if it hits the ground. It's a cheap price to put on your head. ;)

Kudos for being geared up!
I am glad you are OK
like others here said before, F... the bike as long as you are standing on your feet and able to tell the story.
Did you have time to stop the engine using the red button?
or maybe it stopped when the bike was on the ground?
The manual mentions an automatic engine stop in case the bike is on the ground..
I wander if it really worked?

We all drop our bikes at some point, whether caused by rider error, nature, or the cager that doesn't check their mirrors before manhandling a 3000lb motorized boulder. As everyone else has said, heal up, learn from the experience, and get back to riding asap. God speed to ya.
