how to convince a random stranger

See red

New Member
Just a stupid question, have any of you ever just walked up to a perfect stranger and convinced them to remove thier clothes? LMAO!!!! my buddy was doing this when we were out the other day. He literally just walked up to women and said he would like to see their ass or breasts and two gave him their panties. lmao!!!!!! just curious...
Just a stupid question, have any of you ever just walked up to a perfect stranger and convinced them to remove thier clothes? LMAO!!!! my buddy was doing this when we were out the other day. He literally just walked up to women and said he would like to see their ass or breasts and two gave him their panties. lmao!!!!!! just curious...

Lol, where do you guys hang out? Englewood?
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I feel like this is a good way to earn yourself the title of sexual predator lol
only in chicago...
Just a stupid question, have any of you ever just walked up to a perfect stranger and convinced them to remove thier clothes? LMAO!!!! my buddy was doing this when we were out the other day. He literally just walked up to women and said he would like to see their ass or breasts and two gave him their panties. lmao!!!!!! just curious...

Strip clubs don't count! :D
rofl. gotta be careful, one day he'll approach a super sensitive woman who will go straight to the police with that lol
I have seen him get cracked!! But for the most part he just asks and they do it!? lmao!!!

I don't even attempt to think of doing it, but it is funny as hell to watch!
an acquaintance (friend of my brother) of mine has a badass SLR camera. we were in Austin on 5th street partying. he took the camera and a clip board with a bunch of papers he typed up and printed on his mac and told girls he was a scout for "gone wild" and if they wanted possibly to be famous to sign the disclaimer and he would get a few shots. (he did not say "girls gone wild")

many gals (drunk) bared em. in fact he got their email addresses and several of them sent him more pics via email

he is such a sleezebag but damn i had a good time from what i remember. (does that make me a sleezebag?)
I've done it, most girls nowadays don't care. I seen more boobs then I can count in a night before doing that LOL Ah the high school parties HAHA
Handsome guys usually get away with this behavior better than guys that look creepy.
I had a friend that was handsome and long blood hair like the Jax dude in Son's of Anarchy. He'd walk into a biker bar and ask chicks "wanna F...k" and he might get slapped but within 10 minutes he would always score. Now I won't tell you they were beautiful but he didn't pick hogs either.....

If I did that...I'd get my butt kicked.....
Lol Ive got some good stories on this topic but the wife frequents the forum as well ;) Ill just listen for now haha
Smart man .........
