headlight bulb number


Elite Member
I wouldn't worry about how hot the lens gets with just a regular bulb. I have a projector installed and it hasn't melted the headlight housing, so you should have nothing to worry about.
I have tried the Silverstar bulbs in the past. The work great and really give you a lot more light. I even put them on my car. One drawback to them though, they burn out fast, you might want to carry a spare with you. I eventually switched to Philips Vision Plus bulbs, they are not as bright, but they haven't burned out, and I have had them in the car and the BMW for 4 years now. Since I'm not riding at night any more, I doubt I will spend money on super bright bulbs in the future for my bikes.
I've got the Silverstar as well. Also, I recommend adjusting the headlight up a tad. For me, it dramatically helped my nighttime and daytime visibility. I noticed when going through a curve at night, the stock setting beam wouldn't light up the road enough for me to feel comfortable and I had a hard time lighting up street signs, once I adjusted it up, its much better. Also, during the day, I've noticed people see me much better than before. My beam is adjusted just under what it was on high beam, and I've never had anyone flash me for being too bright. (although, when I get right up behind somebody with my headlight reflecting in their rearview mirror, they tend to move over and let me by :))
