He needs new underwear

The lanes may be a bit narrow, but the pickup was straddling the line, halfway *into* the bike's lane... I give the guy credit for smiling after that -- I'd be of a totally different disposition...
wonder what country that took place - one that rides on left? or is 4-wheeler going the wrong way on a one-way.
can't tell for sure, but it does not look like a blind curve. the motorcyclist should have seen it coming way before it happened. That leads me to believe that the 4-wheeler swerved into the motorcyclist at the last second.
Hard to tell with the rearward facing camera.
That truck was *way* over the line...
The biker was about as far over in his lane as he could have been, without going off the shoulder...
No question about who's at fault here...

His profile says he's from Australia. They drive/ride on the left.

ok then did the 4-wheeler just take the curve wide or did he/she swerve into the motorcycle. If the 4-wheeler was going wide, the motorcyclist could/should have picked that up a lot sooner and adjusted. Again, hard to tell with the rearward facing camera, but it could very well have been a last second swerve by the 4-wheeler and the motorcyclist reacting quick enough to save at least 2 lives.
