

New Member
Hello all! I said hi already in the new member thread, but I thought I'd say hi again and show off my new 2013 team yamaha blue fz6r! My name is Blade and I am a new rider. I got the bike Sunday and i've already put on 450 some miles on her in less than a week. Haha addicting as hell! I feel like I've joined some awesome club, all the other motorcyclists wave to me. Been a great experience so far.

I'm from and live in Florence AZ. This small prison town is exactly 4.6 miles from the middle of nowhere. Anyone from around Phoenix or Tucson area would like to ride I would love to join! Anyways here she is! Enjoy!

The picture below is me trying out my passenger seat while my buddy Jesus tries out sitting on her.


Sent from my Nexus 7
Let us know if u need any more mod ideas lol

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

So far I've gotten all the answers I need. I'll be installing frame sliders and my own custom built led green glow system first thing probably.

Sent from my Nexus 7
Please do post pics

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

Oh for sure i will. Gotta show her off. I know out here, i will probably ride a lot at night since i work Graveyards. And there arnt a lot of lights around, so a green glowing machine will deff be an eye catcher and let people know im around, not to mention some cool factor. People wanted me to do blue, but its softer and not as bright or eye catching. I want to be seen and green goes alright with the blue i think.
