GoPro Hero 2 on my FZ6R

Look, I'm all for using copious amounts of gear, but the zeal with which those who don't are reproched on this forum is aproaching religious extremist intensity.

How about, just like with religion, you accept people's choices and quit being so judgemental? If you want to gently convert people to your Church of ATGATT, fine, but please quit giving everyone you see with a tee shirt on while riding the fifth degree and putting them on the defensive. Sheesh.

Totally agree with this :thumbup:
I don't care if you ride in a pair of shorts and nothing else if that's what you want to do.
I've ridden to the 7-Eleven 2 blocks down the road in a tee shirt while on 25 mph streets before. (helmet required here)
I did wear a full 2 piece racing leathers zippered together with racing boots etc to work today. All 4.5 miles of it on surface streets...LOL...and I drove slow....
And you still ride without it? Jesus.
I'm not too worried about anything happening when I'm going less than a mile away from my house, I'm not going to grab all my gear for 2 minutes of riding. I did wear a helmet and gloves though, seeing as they were on my bike.
Hmmm. What was in front of your bike when you pulled back into the garage? On my phone, it looked like the rear fender of a bike.
Might have been my atv

Think it was a golf bag.
theres that too
I don't care if you ride in a pair of shorts and nothing else if that's what you want to do.
I've ridden to the 7-Eleven 2 blocks down the road in a tee shirt while on 25 mph streets before. (helmet required here)
I did wear a full 2 piece racing leathers zippered together with racing boots etc to work today. All 4.5 miles of it on surface streets...LOL...and I drove slow....

I always wear my gear, besides when I'm working on my bike or doing something like this where I'll just be right in my neighborhood.

Here's another video, mounted on the swingarm. And if anyone is going to comment on my lack of gear, don't bother. Again, it's in the neighborhood and I was just testing a new angle.

[ame=]Swing Arm mounted GoPro Hero 2` - YouTube[/ame]
Look, I'm all for using copious amounts of gear, but the zeal with which those who don't are reproched on this forum is aproaching religious extremist intensity.

How about, just like with religion, you accept people's choices and quit being so judgemental? If you want to gently convert people to your Church of ATGATT, fine, but please quit giving everyone you see with a tee shirt on while riding the fifth degree and putting them on the defensive. Sheesh.

Nah, i'll continue to do it. It's help changed a few people over to ATGATT, i've had plenty of people to tell me that it helped make them ATGATT and they thanked me for that when they went down. The thing is being harsh on people is what it takes, and i'll continue to do it, so deal with it.

Not being rude, just saying that if it helped a couple other people realise the danger then it could help anybody, and I don't want to see anybody get hurt.

Thought this was a thread about cam angles...not fashion/safety.

Folks around here need to relax a bit.

He went down the street he lives on, turned around and came back.

Nuff said.

Oh well, he has just as good of a chance of going down there as he does anywhere. I'll stop talking here now, since people are getting all grumpy :rolleyes:

and I like the third camera angle, but you should try it on the left side, so you can watch your shifts :)
I also would like to see the cam on the left swingarm. Less exhaust noise, more action. Although you might drag camera before you drag knee on either side. Keep 'em commin.
How did u mount it on the swing arm??
The flat adhesive mount, not much to it haha. I just made sure I wiped it down real good with some alcohol before applying it.
Nah, i'll continue to do it. It's help changed a few people over to ATGATT, i've had plenty of people to tell me that it helped make them ATGATT and they thanked me for that when they went down. The thing is being harsh on people is what it takes, and i'll continue to do it, so deal with it.

Not being rude, just saying that if it helped a couple other people realise the danger then it could help anybody, and I don't want to see anybody get hurt.

Oh well, he has just as good of a chance of going down there as he does anywhere. I'll stop talking here now, since people are getting all grumpy :rolleyes:

and I like the third camera angle, but you should try it on the left side, so you can watch your shifts :)
I appreciate your input, I know you're just trying to look out for a fellow rider. Like I said though, I have been down, and I was wearing only a t shirt and shorts at the time. I got a bit of road rash on my elbows and knees and hands and it's definitely a wake up call. I couldn't have done much in that situation to prevent going down, but I could've prevented damage to myself. It's just a risk I decide to take when I don't wear my gear in these rare occasions.

I could always get hit head on from a cager, gear won't always help though :D

I also would like to see the cam on the left swingarm. Less exhaust noise, more action. Although you might drag camera before you drag knee on either side. Keep 'em commin.
the only reason why I didn't mount it there was because of the chain noise, my chain is really noisy despite me constantly cleaning and lubing it :confused:

i agree ---^ keep em coming hahaha i like these little short videos XD

will do, I've cut most of these down from the original length, I'm sure a 15 minute video of me commuting would get boring :D
But if you have it on the right side of the swing arm you can see flames come out of your tb exhaust lol
last night I tried the camera angle on the swing arm and I got some flames when decelerating and changing gear, looked pretty awesome even though it's probably not good for the bike. But hey, race cars and bikes shoot flames out all the time and it looks awesome, especially at night. ;)

i havent tried to upload any videos and dont really know how to, nor do i have any accounts set up.
