gettin ready to paint


New Member
gettin ready to finally paint my fairing that was jacked up in the lay down. Lets hope it comes out good. Wish me luck everyone!!!!
positive thoughts from the Orange Chicken Panda... :)
Ouch! That suxors... Hope it gets fixed good as new.

Actually that always worries me at meets, cuz I have bad "meet" luck too. My very first bike meet one of my friends chipped my tank to the metal sitting on it- dunno who... At previous car meets, my car got damaged twice- once by a 16 year old in an audi A5 who didnt know how to park and dinged my door. The other time was two teenagers who sat on my front bumper wearing chains attached to their jeans and left deep scratches all... (dumb asses I tell u.)


Good luck!

I'll piggy back off you, my right fairing is going in Tuesday for a new paint job from a dumb@ss who decided to play domino's with his bike, another bike and mine... mine was supporting both other bikes with my leg as the "kickstand". My right fairing got gouged from the bike next to me when the windshield broke and turned into a plexiglass knife about 4-5" down it... fortunately, guy was decent enough to pay for it.
Ouch! That suxors... Hope it gets fixed good as new.

Actually that always worries me at meets, cuz I have bad "meet" luck too. My very first bike meet one of my friends chipped my tank to the metal sitting on it- dunno who... At previous car meets, my car got damaged twice- once by a 16 year old in an audi A5 who didnt know how to park and dinged my door. The other time was two teenagers who sat on my front bumper wearing chains attached to their jeans and left deep scratches all... (dumb asses I tell u.)


Poor Orange Chicken Panda! You have terrible luck :(

Who gives 16 year olds an A5 to drive? Kids these days.
Depends on what color?

I guess you want to slow down now so TYB is out of the picture...

lol im not gonna be slowin down as long as it is still possible to go fast
well it came out really good thank god. thanks everyone for the luck wishes.
well, you've been around a while, you should no by now...
i will get pics soon. as soon as i got it back together, i was down the road. Didnt have time for pics. I just wanted to let everyone know it came out ok
