FZ6r Too Heavy Question


New Member
I am thinking about getting this bike and I am 6ft 145. Do you think this bike will be too heavy for me? I haven't found a dealer that has one to look at in my general area without having to drive a bit out of my way.
I don't think so. Most bikes are a similar weight in the 600 range and weights only ever a problem if you drop it.
On top of the above, the weight seems a bit lower to me when I'm on it which makes it even easier at low speeds
You'll be fine! At your height you presumably have fairly long legs which will give you solid footing on the ground so the weight won't be much of a factor. Weight is more of a factor for shorties like myself who can barely get our feet down flat. Even then, it's never been a problem on this bike.
Weighing in at 165lbs and 5'7", with a 30" inseam. You'll be fine on the FZ6R with you're height.

If you feel the bike tipping over while you're at a stand-still then yank the handle bars in the direction of the fall. Another tip is to mostly use the rear brake below 10mph. The reason is that the direction you have the wheel turned when you grab the front brake below 10mph is the direction in which the bike will fall.
I m only my 5'2 and 118 lbs and I absolutely love this bike. I have 32.500 miles on her and she is till amazing. Sure any bike will be heavy if it's laying on its side.

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The weight of the 6r is competitive with the other bikes in its class.

The issue for me was that the it's top-heavy, which means that you have to catch it sooner if it starts to tip.

Here's a vid that shows how to pick it up

This was my one and only complaint about the FZ6R, that's it's top heavy. But with a set of sliders on you'll be safe if you tip over at a stop or something. The is bike is excellent in city traffic and on the highway, best riding position I've ever experienced.
If you feel the bike tipping over while you're at a stand-still then yank the handle bars in the direction of the fall.

Not trying to be a dick.. But am I missing something here? Do you mean in the opposite direction? lol.. Or am I just not understanding it.
Think about it.

Sitting on your bike, turn the bars far right. Now, which way would the bike be easiest to fall over?

Exactly. The front wheel acts as leverage holding the bike up. Practice at home on a bicycle. Lean the bike to the right slightly then yank the bars to the right, the bike will stop falling over. Just don't touch the front brake below 10 mph. Rear brake only when riding below 10 mph and using the front wheel to keep yourself upright.

This is also a good technique for parking on slanted ground. Basically turning your wheel away from the kickstand makes the bike very stable when parked.
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You'll be fine with the bike. I'm a 48 year old female that is 5'9" and weigh 135 and I have no problem with the weight. I also have a 19 year old son who is 6'2" and weighs 132 and he has no problem either.
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When you first get it, it will feel heavy but after some time you will get used to it. I've dropped mine a couple times, once the weight gets leaning past a certain point is going over and all you can do is control the fall. I highly recommend frame sliders as replacement body plastic is crazy expensive. Also, get in the habit of vizually making sure the kickstand is down before you start leaning the bike over to get off. Sounds silly but it happens way more often than you would think.

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