Do you listen to Music while riding?

Do you listen to music while ridinig?

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 49.5%
  • No

    Votes: 76 38.4%
  • It's a must

    Votes: 24 12.1%

  • Total voters
I used to ride with earbuds until the day I put them in while not riding and listened to the music at the same volume required while riding. Too loud. I just wear plugs all the time now.

Gotta keep my already existing tinnitus to a minimum or else I'll be one of those geezers who walks around yelling "WHAT?!?!?" all day.
I listen to music if I'll be getting on the highway and/or going for a longer ride, otherwise the TBR will leave me with ringing in my ears afterword.
I just use chatterbox XBi2 I had to make a custom back end to the speakers to bring the speakers closer to the ear but it works great listening to Pandora and it kinda freaks you out when it auto answer's at 90 mph on the highway lol
Anytime I plan on riding more then 1/2 hr Ill run just one in the right ear... Pandora- Hip Hop
I can still hear/feel traffic around me just fine- no close calls due it. Perfect post above regarding- "Remove the sirens from the songs!!"

I want to listen to music, but will wait until I'm more exp'd. Right now I need all the focus I can spare.

Do MotoGP racers listen to music when they race? Or, do they only listen to instructions from their crew chiefs on the 2-way radios?
I want to listen to music, but will wait until I'm more exp'd. Right now I need all the focus I can spare.

Do MotoGP racers listen to music when they race? Or, do they only listen to instructions from their crew chiefs on the 2-way radios?

I believe they wear ear plugs.. They don't listen to anything but their engines :)
I use ultimate ears noise isolating earbuds whenever I'm riding, unless it's just a quick trip around town. In which case I usually just put in foam earplugs. Can't stand wind noise.:mad:

+1. I agree with u nasty, can't stand it either. I have a hjc zader helmet and it doesn't have the best wind protection (I want to get a shoei) so ear plugs are a necessity. I wanted to start listening to music while riding so I picked up some jvc marsmellow earbuds with an iPhone control. It's great. I listen to music at 1/4th volume and I can still hear things around me. If it's crazy busy on the roads I just pause the tunes and the ear buds preform the same as ear plugs... The music keeps me focused and motivated to pay attention. Puts me in a better mood and I'm not holding a conversation in my helmet with myself.
I have a Bluetooth lid, so that the Mrs and i can talk to each other...

But on occasion i can pair my Android phone and listen to some tunes...

Unfortunately the damn thing has auto answer, so i can't turn down calls when i do that...... Doh.......
yeah i bought some speakers that stick into my helmet off ebay for like 5 bucks, love em they stick in with tape and have a volume control on the cable going in which is handy for when you are riding with other people and they start talking to you. i found with these no evasive as well.... unlike earbuds and such which tend to hurt the ears either when puting my helmet on or taking it off
Link to $5 Ebay headphones if you don't mind.
I'm really interested as to what $5 can get you.
$15 got me a camera lol.
Sometimes cheapo items fit your needs.
I got the Scorpion Exo 700 Pred helmet I can hear music good enough where its not blaring(using Blinc Bluetooth) but as far as a phone call nope not happening due to alot of wind noise. I think with the music I know it well enough that i dont have to have it loud and it just seems like its playing hehe.
I absolutely HAVE to listen to my ipod while I ride, unless I'm riding with buddies then I dont.
I listen to the sweet music of my well tuned exhaust . :thumbup:
And if I am by myself rock music , when with the wife we talk through headsets .

I have a Bluetooth helmet and I listen to my iPod on long rides but never around town.

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