Diavel Road Rage.

Well that sucks. I would have just let him over and not squeezed up on him when he started in... Not gonna win that battle. He was already in the lane, then he tried to move up and block him.
While I agree with the comments here in regards to the rider, that driver deliberately ran him over. I see this happen on video time and time again, cars just hitting motorcycle riders as if we were invincible simply because we wear armor. The driver here is 100 percent at fault. He didnt even get out the car to check on the rider, he actually hit him a second time and TRIED to go still...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GFy9vOISe0]Road Rage in Brazil Car vs Motorcycle - YouTube[/ame]
Absolutely no excusing the driver. Just saying he should have let it go when he first pushed over. No way I am putting myself between an agitated cage (that is out of road) and anything else.

Wonder how insurance/fault works in other countries like this...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ3nVcXItRE]The driver of the scooter as you move into the left lane crashed into a passing vehicle - YouTube[/ame]
Absolutely no excusing the driver. Just saying he should have let it go when he first pushed over. No way I am putting myself between an agitated cage (that is out of road) and anything else.

Wonder how insurance/fault works in other countries like this...

I understand. I wouldnt put myself in that predicament as well.

I was on I-495 coming from work one day. There was bumper to bumper traffic as far as I could see. I was splitting lanes on the hov lane and this van starts to block me on purpose... I finally see a small opening, rev my bike up and go to his left and he actually TRIED to hit me but luckily i was a lot faster. I wish I had a go pro sometimes..
