

New Member
So I bought a brand stinking new FZ6R and got a great deal on it through a friend of the family. Only problem, I had to get the pink decal package to get the bike that I wanted. Just wanted to know if there are any websites that I can get new authentic Yamaha decals or any other websites that might make some that you guys would be willing to put on your bike.
You can get any vinyl sticker you want.
Single color are really easy to get. Multi color will cost more.
Waterslide decals will get dried on the ends and start coming up at the edges fairly fast. The vinyl is good in the sun for 5 years or more. You just have to use the proper prep spray before applying the vinyl.

I have the whole setup to do the vinyl if you supply the artwork. I can convert to a vector graphic and live trace it and cut the vinyl.
Or there are kits for the stock FZ6R graphics too.

PM me if interested in something and check the local and internet vinyl graphics shops and see what you like best.
I have the same black flame with magenta accents. It looks like the ones on the fairing are vinyl that will peel off but on the tank it looks like its clear coated over the top. Then I thought.... I'm just going to ride it as is and if someone doesn't like it, so what. You can only see the frilly stuff if it is standing still anyway.
just get a tech spec tank grip to cover the portions of the tank you don't like. the snakeskin in black looks the best i think.
I am in the same position so had a graphic person give me some suggestions. I am attaching pics of what I came up with done on photo shop and naturally they will cover the tank properly when printed. Let me know your comments before I have them printed. PS. I removed the flames on the fairing.


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Wow I like that alot. Im trying to decide what color scheme to go with and have not had much luck finding anything that i think is going to look good on my bike. I really like white and green but need to find some style that I like. White and red look good together but I feel like that is done alot.
I decided to go ahead and order them so weather permitting (yes its supposed to rain in southern california tomorrow), I can pick them up and install them tomorrow. Once it's done, I will post some pictures.
Here is the finished product and must say, much prefer it to the flames! The graphic company I used has the template so if anyone else wants to do something, I will be happy to forward there e-mail. There charge is between $75 - $95 depending on design


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