CRASHED my 6R:(:(:(:(

Glad you had your gear on! Get back to full health and see about getting a new bike, because I think that one is a loss.

Please give us some details as to the events that transpired that lead to the cement surfing.

Yeah - how'd it go down? Er... pun not intended.

Glad you're alright.
I feel you. I crashed 2 weeks ago but damn dude! That case looks tore up! Glad you're ok. Bike parts are replaceable. The rider however, is not.
ack... sorry to hear about the accident... :(

but, good to know that you are ok and not badly hurt...

try to relax and heal up. your bike is always replaceable...
Ouch! Sorry to hear what happened to you. It will be considered as totalled. Insurance should cover your bike. Good thing that you are fine, rest well and get well soon.

You new baby will come back. =) R6 maybe?
I feel you. I crashed 2 weeks ago but damn dude! That case looks tore up! Glad you're ok. Bike parts are replaceable. The rider however, is not.

^^ I crashed a few weeks ago as well, luckily it wasn't that bad, mainly plastic damage as my side fairings are all okay. Thank god I put on the frame sliders 2 days before it.

I know that you're hurting more from the damage to the bike than yourself but do what I did and keep your mind busy by working it off and getting money to get a new one or fix it up if you can.

Have some friends that know what their doing or a mechanic take a look at it.

Speedy recovery to you.
Thanks everybody for the concern!! unfortionaltly i didn't have full coverage insurance at the time so im on my own. I'm not sure exactly what happened to cause the back tire to loose control because it happened so fast, i might have been on the back brake a little and hit a soft spot in the road were they repair cracks. If anyone happenes to be partying one out lemme know. Thanks again!
You are from Thornton? Where did you crash at? Get a hold of me, I might be able to round up some parts for you here, locally.
Thanks everybody for the concern!! unfortionaltly i didn't have full coverage insurance at the time so im on my own. I'm not sure exactly what happened to cause the back tire to loose control because it happened so fast, i might have been on the back brake a little and hit a soft spot in the road were they repair cracks. If anyone happenes to be partying one out lemme know. Thanks again!

Quite literally, yesterday morning, I was searching on Ebay and came across a guy that is parting his 6R out. Engine, guages, wheels, bars, forks, shock, he had a ton. My ebay search was simply "FZ6R" and all of his came up. Hope you find what you need.
that sucks.... but thats whats insurance for.

started riding after 9 years... i watch for every car making left hand turn in front of me, slow down at intersections, slow down where their mighe be deer, cars pulling out of driveways, cars coming the other way incase they over ride their lane on secondary roads.

i always try to go fast enought to avoid if i have do.

hope your back on the road someday.

Got another bike after a few years of not having one. Now I am in a bigger city and the traffic always keeps me on my toes. Before I mainly had to watch for deer. Don't know which is better.
Got another bike after a few years of not having one. Now I am in a bigger city and the traffic always keeps me on my toes. Before I mainly had to watch for deer. Don't know which is better.

i would rather watch out for deer. atleast sometimes they will look both ways before 'pulling out' in front of you. more than i can say for some drivers.
