Chain lube

i lube it every second or third long ride... so, i guess every 4 to 500 miles

i just went to the local motorcycle shop and asked them what to use. they sold me a bottle of something other chain lube and explained how to do it:

roll forward a little bit, spray the sprocket.
roll forward a little bit, spray the sprocket.
roll forward a little bit, spray the sprocket.

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Don't forget, you're supposed to clean the chain first, then lube it. Ride it before to get the metal heated, then spray the chain cleaner and use a grunge brush and a rag to clean it off. Then apply some chain lube to the inside area of the chain. Once every ~600 miles depending on roads, or sooner if it gets wet. I personally use Motul Chain Clean and Chain lube, it does the job and stays on.
i think the stuff the shop sold me was Motul also... it's a silver bottle with a red cap.

i couldn't remember the name... xP

How was GMR at 9pm Minno? :)
It was foggy haha, I went up to the intersection of East fork and Mt. Baldy then headed back. I did get caught riding home in the rain today though, the HID sure makes a difference at night in the rain as well. Now I'll have to reapply more chain lube haha.

As a quick tip, rather than rolling it to move the chain, I simply elevate the rear tire by using a car hydraulic jack with a piece of wood on the frame mounting points of the centerstand. What ever works, right?
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cool, cool... as long as u got there & back safely... :)

back side of GMR during raing or right after is REALLY scary... i was going barely 30 MPH and my rear wheel slid out after i ran over dry powder mud- days after the rains had stopped... i had to slow down to like 25 to maintain control...

but, going up the backside from East Fork is SOOOOOOOO much fun. i love that section. going down, however is a totally different story... <lol> xP
I use Repsol chain lube only because a friend had a couple cans and gave one to me :) seems to do the job well
I searched 'chain lube' and this thread is the most relevant one that it returned. Personally I'm not finding the search feature very useful at all. Sorry, just saying . . .
