Can't be the only one...


New Member
Hey all,

I researched the net, called various bike shops, talked to bike friends, but to no end am left with being singled out as having this problem... Please, I need your help.

My legs itch like crazy from being dried out by the freeway winds. My doctor diagnosed it as dry skin and said that the hot weather at freeway speeds is stripping away the oils of my skin and drying them out. I have a few questions about this please:

1) Does anyone have/had a similar problem like this?
2) Any suggestions for a remedy?

Here are some facts to help paint the picture:
- I use all kinds of lotions, both OTC and prescription, to help with the dryness, which helped a lot, but is still very much there whenever I ride.
- I ride a 2009 FZ6R.
- I commute 50 miles/day on the freeway at 75-85 mph.
- I wear jeans for pants, but the upper body is protected with leather, etc, which probably explains why the upper body is not drying out?
- My commute is in Sacramento, CA. It gets pretty hot here.
- I'm 33 years old, been riding since 2004. This is the first year I had this problem during the summer. Last year was the first year it happened during the winter (which was also the year I bought this bike). I'm far too young for this crap! <--- I think :mad:

I could not find any lower fairing for my bike. I noticed on the FZ6R's damn fairing does not curve outward from the front of the bike to the back. The fairing actually curves inward, projecting the wind right into my legs.

Should I sell the bike and upgrade to something with more fairing? I love this bike, but the itching is effecting my life. Any suggestions please?

You are my last hope. I called everyone I could think of and did research as I could.

Hey all,
Should I sell the bike and upgrade to something with more fairing? I love this bike, but the itching is effecting my life. Any suggestions please?

I would upgrade the pants. Pants are cheaper than a new motorcycle. You could go with leather but textile works too and you could probably find some pants or overpants that are textile and armored to keep the wind off your legs. I would guess leather is warmer than textile. Jeans, being cotton, are going to have more airflow.

Heat will be an issue with overpants. I tend to use my textile overpants in cool or cold weather.
Try some wind blocking gear? Rain gear is nice since it is light weight, and keeps the wind off.
Odd isn't it, I mean your legs are covered by pants, I could see arms with short sleeves but legs, weird. Maybe get some elastic bands to hold your pants leg end closed so the air isn't able to go up the pants leg?
Sweating will chafe you but not dry your oils out.
Maybe you just have extremely dry skin?
Well... jeans are very porous, and *do* let wind through... All you need do is take a ride in chilly weather with and without wind block over-pants to feel the difference...

Best bet (assuming the wind is the culprit) is a cheap pair of wind block textile pants or over-pants... anything semi-rain proof with do the trick... and tuck them *into* your boots, or make sure they have elastic, zippered, or snap cuffs that'll seal the bottom to your legs...
Hey all,

I researched the net, called various bike shops, talked to bike friends, but to no end am left with being singled out as having this problem... Please, I need your help.

My legs itch like crazy from being dried out by the freeway winds. My doctor diagnosed it as dry skin and said that the hot weather at freeway speeds is stripping away the oils of my skin and drying them out. I have a few questions about this please:

1) Does anyone have/had a similar problem like this?
2) Any suggestions for a remedy?

Here are some facts to help paint the picture:
- I use all kinds of lotions, both OTC and prescription, to help with the dryness, which helped a lot, but is still very much there whenever I ride.
- I ride a 2009 FZ6R.
- I commute 50 miles/day on the freeway at 75-85 mph.
- I wear jeans for pants, but the upper body is protected with leather, etc, which probably explains why the upper body is not drying out?
- My commute is in Sacramento, CA. It gets pretty hot here.
- I'm 33 years old, been riding since 2004. This is the first year I had this problem during the summer. Last year was the first year it happened during the winter (which was also the year I bought this bike). I'm far too young for this crap! <--- I think :mad:

I could not find any lower fairing for my bike. I noticed on the FZ6R's damn fairing does not curve outward from the front of the bike to the back. The fairing actually curves inward, projecting the wind right into my legs.

Should I sell the bike and upgrade to something with more fairing? I love this bike, but the itching is effecting my life. Any suggestions please?

You are my last hope. I called everyone I could think of and did research as I could.


Don't feel too young for this. My daughter is 3 years old and her skin is super dry since she was born. You will be alright ;)
Just ATGATT is all you need.

I live in South Orange County, and I've ridden 5 days a week all summer in full gear. Most of it was over 85 degrees.

I rock:
Troy Lee Apex textile jacket with removable liner.
Alpine star air carbon gloves
Built boots. ( cheap and effective. Shin high, toe, ankle, heel protection with a little reflective part in the heel. )
Textile windproof over pants with removable liner and knee pads.
New Icon Airmada lid with ear plugs.

All of the above is over top normal jeans/tshirt, and i wore a backpack till just recently. ( Got a Kriega US-20 tail bag. Friggin AWESOME bag and saves the back pain. )

Accept the fact that its hot, then gear up to save your skin. Ill trade a little sweat vs skin grafts/dryskin/debris hitting me at 80+ mph any day of the week.
keep trying to remember to get these, that price is a steal.
For wind, get these to keep from sweating, then a good overpant to protect against wind and scars.

I've got the Heat Out shirts... Work Great! Planning the Freeze Out gear as well.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Are the cycle gear undersuit garments any good tho? I bought some cycle gear freeze out gloves last season and they were complete crap and didn't work at all. I lost faith in their cheap priced stuff after that
#1 cause of dry skin

My wife told me the other day, towels are the number one cause of dry skin. :D
Another possibility could be the jeans are flapping in the wind which causes vibrations against your skin, which can be a occupational hazard
vibration effects

Def reccomend well fitted riding pants with optional undergarments depending on climate conditions ATGATT, good luck
Thank you all for the response. I bought the BILT Apollo pants (link below) to see if it will helps. Out of all the pants I tried on, these were the lightest among the ones that were not mesh and gave decent protection as well. If the itching is not gone within the next couple of weeks then I'll know it's not dry skin, but I think you guys, and the doctor, are probably right. Otherwise, why would it only itch on my legs that is exposed to the air. We'll see...

BILT Street Gear - Apollo Waterproof Vented Textile Motorcycle Pants - Cycle Gear

What treatment did the Dr give you for the dry skin? Just a curious wound nurse asking......

Heavy lotion right after shower while legs are damp, such as Eucerin Intensive Care. And he prescribed Hydrocortisone 2.5% in Sarna Lotion for the itching (not cheap either). And he said to avoid the irritant, which is the wind at those high freeway speeds, but that's not gonna happen since it's my transportation to work.

As a medical professional, what do you think? I'm worried because no one else seems to have this problem.

I didn't realize that hot hair can dry skin just as cold air. I could understand if this happened during the winter, but after doing some research I discovered that it can just as easily during the summer time :mad:

Thanks again for all the feedback. If anyone does stumbled on this thread with some experience or insight, I'll keep checking back.

This is also my first time hearing about such an issue.

What I do know from my own experience about dry skin and wind...

I recently took a trip without my riding boots or pants (for a change)... I wore low cut socks, sneakers, and jeans (don't knock me lol, I rarely do this). Sometime into the ride I noticed my ankles were KILLING ME... Throbbing pain. Well later I found out this is because of the wind beating on them. Extremely uncomfortable if not completely stupid, but just saying... This is something I never thought about. Since that day I have always worn socks and footwear that go completely over my ankles.
