California State Senator Targets Motorcycle Exhaust Systems


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Friend told me about this.....

California Senate Bill 435 (motorcycle exhaust) has been amended yet again

The latest version would require a stock exhaust/EPA stamp for all bikes built on or after January 1, 2011.

Despite repeated failures to garner support for past versions of Senate Bill (SB) 435, Senator Fran Pavley (D-CA-23) continues to unfairly target riders with anti-motorcycle legislation, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports.

The Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Transportation has scheduled a hearing on SB 435 for Monday, June 28th at 1:30 p.m. in room #4202 of the state capitol.

The most recent version of the SB 435, as of June 22, will require stock/original equipment manufacture (OEM) exhaust systems on all motorcycles constructed on or after January 1, 2011, and mandates a "fix-it" ticket for any owner who is found to be in violation. While the latest version of SB 435 is much improved, the bill will still result in unwarranted ticketing of riders because there is no requirement within the bill specifying a location of the stock/OEM exhaust/EPA stamp when manufactured, which may prove difficult to enforce in the field.

Law enforcement officers will have to conduct visual inspections in less than ideal conditions in the field. Road film and dirt will quickly obscure any label on an exhaust system, something that makes a visual inspection and verification even more difficult or impossible.

"Simply put, it is unfair to expect a motorcycle owner to display a ‘readily visible' label if one is not delivered that way from the factory" said Nick Haris, the AMA's Western States Representative. "Many EPA stamps are very difficult to locate on new motorcycles. It is unreasonable to expect a motorcycle owner to partially dismantle their motorcycle on the side of the road to prove the exhaust system is labeled properly."

Full article found Here
I think that's a bunch of crap! So any new bikes aren't allowed to have an aftermarket exhaust??? I could understand with Harleys, that some of them are "unmuffled".
Somebody with a loud motorcycle must live by the senator.

This bill blows.......
Around San Gabriel Valley & LAX, cops will pull over cars for the smallest things- like no front plate, tinted windows, and/ or suspicion of aftermarket exhaust... Not sure how much they harasss motorcycles, but I've seen them pull over sport motorcycles at our car meets before... =\
Where does this guy live?:rant: I want to take the silencer out of my TBR and go bounce it off the rev limiter around 3am in his driveway. Oh yea I don't live in Cali. :p

I agree that most cops won't bother pulling you over for that. However, if they do pull you over for speeding or some other violation and are a nice guy/girl they could ticket you for your exhaust not speeding. Fix it ticket or points and a big fine? I would switch my exhaust just to save the money and points
If passed, the cops will use the exhaust for PC (probable cause) to stop you.. To see if you have any warrants/contraband etc.. I truly don't see any cop issuing a cite, unless you are a prick and your mouth leads you to one. I have never written a ticket for modified exhaust/vehicle mods!! Obviously it's at the cops discretion...
it looks like the state of CA is going to be leading the way in stupid animal tricks by zoo animals in legistlation in more ways than one...

California lawmakers consider license plates that flash ads | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

what next? billboard ads on road signs?

i can see it already:


we are all doomed... :(

wtf, wtf, WTF!
Don't forget that people actually vote to put these legislators where they are.

I always love the labels on stuff at Home Depot that say: "May cause cancer in California" Makes me wonder what part is the cancer at times.
Oakland CA Motor cops get loud mufflers

A couple of years ago the Oakland Motor cops demanded louder mufflers for safety. They said it was to dangerous in traffic because they couldn't be heard. They got them too, at the cost to the tax payers of about $16,000 bucks. I'll bet the Harley riders said, "see,we told you so". I guess what's good for the goose is good for the Gander.NOT!
in all likelihood, this law will affect cruisers (harleys & bobbers etc) more than sport bikes. but, it just gives the cops another justifiable excuse for pulling any motorcyclist over for whatever reason... oh well...
this is only my first year owning the bike, so i don't know...

but for cars the answer is YES....

Do you guys in California have to take your bikes through SMOG check??

In Arizona, once any vehcile hits 5 years old it has to go through a SMOG check, (Motorcycles included) is it that way in California?? Other states??

Just Curious, as I assume they will check for this sticker when you roll up for a Smog Check...
I hate it for you California guys. But that crap better stay in California. Sounds like another way to screw the population in favor of some BS environmentalist agenda. Hasn't California bankrupted themselves enough?
