Brammo Empulse Electric Bike..

120 mile range is fine... if you could charge up in 5 minutes. This throws this bike out of the equation for anyone who wants to do more than show the bike off around town. I'm okay with the concept; i like the look, but it falls short for me. I don't understand how this is more efficient for society.
Really cool... Just waiting for the government to kill it like it did for the electric car.[ame=]Who Killed The Electric Car? - YouTube[/ame]
Drop the bike and damage the battery pack and it will be about $5K to $8K to replace. The environmental damage done to manufacture the fuel cell is equal to 500,000 miles driving a 1950's Harley that leaks oil and gets maybe 30 MPG.
The power at the generating station the created the electricity to charge the batteries isn't that bad if it is natural gas or hydro or nuclear but if the power plant is oil or coal then the pollution is equivalent to that same old Harley.
5 sec 0 to 60 is very slow as compared to and R1 that is under 3 seconds and an FZ6R at about 3.8 sec.
How much does it Weigh and how does it handle? Is it top heavy?

I'll pass for now....

I saw one of these Empluse bikes today when I was driving in San Francisco. It looked and sounded pretty cool...but at $18,995! No thanks. A few more years and the technology will get a lot better and make these more reasonable. Flop some solar panels on your house and get cheap "fuel" to charge your bike. I think it would be a fun little 'around town' bike.

Here's one of their latest videos:
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