All in a NAME


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It is a oxymoron! There is nothing professional about a noob! Anybody in the military should know what I'm talking about!


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mine is a highschool nickname that ive had for like 9 years now so i just keep it for alot of usernames cause its somethin never taken and easy to remember, haha


New Member

Mine is just my initials..Adrian J Carter Austin TX


Super *********
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Part nick name to most of my friends/co-workers and .308 from the diameter measurement of one of my other favorite toys :)


New Member
My name came from the first public internet site at MIT, actually just a bulletin board, as there was no real internet at the time. I liked the name and have kept it ever since.

Insure Gal

New Member
Mine is kinda boring realy - it's my chosen profession.
It's my lot in life - it's not a lot but it's a life!
Been in the insurance biz for 20 years so it's kinda attached to me.
(Someone on here asked if I'm Flo from the Geico commericals -:rof: - the answer is no! :) )

I've used this handle for a few on several other local forums and have even picked up some business because of it :).

FYI most forum users just shorten it to I.G.
now they are starting to call me that (even hubby)off the forums too! :D
So that's me!



New Member
Mine.. well... got told I had some "Evil" tricks by a certain someone...
After that, it kind of evolved from there....


Thuper Moderator
Premium Member


New Member
Mine is from my riding group. We call ourselves the Black Top Assassins. Hence the BTA. Since I'm the only cop in the group currently (one guys is a medic, another is in med school, another is in school for Criminal Justice) they decided to call me Starsky after Starsky and Hutch. We're always looking for new members, so if anyone is intersted hit me up.



Staff member
99Vengeur -- Well, my favorite car I owned (the one I sold to get the bike) was a 1999 Dodge Avenger that I had decked out with a body kit, underglow LED lights, underdrive pulley, a 75 shot of nitrous oxide and all sorts of other goodies. I miss that car sometimes.




Thuper Moderator
Premium Member


Staff member
I know what you mean. I used to have a 98 Grand Prix with upgraded supercharger with cams, pulleys, small shot of nitrous, suspension, soundsystem, headsup display, custom paint, ramair hood, wheels, exhaust, chip all putting about 400 hp w/o nitrous to the pavement... some whore pulled out infront of me head on and totaled it. :banghead: I do have to say it was a very safe car. When we collided I was doing 52mph down from 65 speed zone.

Yeah, but selling may car wasn't the worst part. I had a deal with my wife that I could buy the bike if we sold one of our cars. She had a 1999 Grand Prix GTP that we both really loved as well. She convinced me to sell my car because we were worried about it giving out before hers. I agreed and sold it. Not 3 months after selling my car, her transmission went bad and we had to buy her a new car. :banghead::banghead:


New Member
Been using this for over a decade now.... use to have personalized plates that said KORNKID.

ARK: I'm from Arkansas

KORNKID: Huge fan of Korn, and they referred to their fans years ago as Korn Kids

Although, I am getting a little old to be using KID ..... but I don't feel my age.


New Member
Well...I chose mine because my jacket & helmet are blue and my bike is Raven. I was going to get a blue 6R but the dealer gave me a good deal on a mis-shipment in black to his store. I almost went with my gaming tag of "Snugglebunny" :D and then changed my mind at the last minute. My real name is Jason.


New Member
highschool nickname.

I used to stutter really know... like PORKY PIG... so these guys i used to ride bmx with started calling me PORKY. It's stuck ever since with just about everything that involves a username.
